Crossing - Lv. 1/Lv. 2

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April 28, 20xx
"We got to get going." He said, the other two guys nodded their heads and took a sigh.
"Go where??" I asked
"To safety." Xxxx said
"Uhm I don't think she understands.." Xxxxx states "Xxxxx you are not on earth you are in the backrooms; an infinite amount of rooms and levels. Some are dangerous some are harmless and some are impossible to leave."
Xxxx looks at me with a worrisome smile. I never seen him smile... he had a cute smile.. Xxxxx noticed it I'm guessing and gigged.
"Okay you guys here's the plan!!" She smiled and explained "We need to go to level 2! Then from level 2 we need to go to level 4 which is safe!! You got it?"
The group nodded in agreement and they started walking.
I didn't know what was happening so I just followed. I was a bit scared though because I don't want to encounter more monsters..

"Don't worry Xxxxx.. you'll be safe with us." Xxxx said while looking away. I blushed and replied with a quick ok.

"We've been walking for so long!!!! Still haven't reached level 2!!" I exclaimed "How does level two even look like!?"
"It's just a long hallway don't worry and calm down" said Xxxx, as he said that me smiled at me... an amazing smile...

"We're here sluts... level 2" said Xxxxx, she sounded so proud of herself.

We continue walking into the small hallway filled with pipes... I hope we get to level 4 soon.

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