Awsome but why?

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I died. Why did I die? Because this is a isekai story, duh! Anyways how I died is not important it wont be mentioned later anyways. All you need to know is I was a human that is (/or was, because dead?) part of the undertale fandom. (Fixes 4th wall)

I woke up. I was in a small room on a matress. Wait... didn't I die? I looked a bit closer. Oh my... This can't be ...right? I am in Sans's room!? I looked at myself. I am Sans! Finally something good in my existenz! I wonder wich one I am tho... Classic? No... these clothes look a bit different. White shorts with black stripes instead of the oposide.

Killer?! I laughed a bit at myself. Finding out who I am based on the shorts I am wearing. I'm a genius! Now that I think about it... are they still alive or already dead? Only one way to find out! I jumped up... and almost into the wall. I got now strength, speed and a body I am not used to... anything else?

No? Or are you just ignoring me? Silence. Guess no Chara, System or god... Okay, I may have read to many isekai stories... Who am I kidding, there is no such thing as to much isekai!

I walked slowly to the door. I got used to my new body pretty quickly I may say. I choose to look around the house. Nothing. No living creature at least. No Papyrus, no 'anoying' dog. I honestly don't think that the dog is anoying but oh well, never met that guy pawsonly, so I can't really judge, now can I?

I walked outside. Nobody. I thought about checking the basement. Do I want getting transported somewhere else while just arriving here? Well what do I have to lose? Nothing. I was now in the basement. First thing I did was putting everything that looked important into my inventory. You never know when you need it. It where mostly just notes and a few interresting parts that where probaly for the machine. I didn't plan on working it.

Next I walked around Snowdin. Looked inside the buildings took a few things like healing items, money and books. I walked to the ruins next. The door was open so I just walked in. There wasn't anything worth my time. Except the butterscotch-cinnamon-pie  and the book with jokes. Of course I put both into my inventory. I walked through waterfalls opened the secret piano room and took the 'artefact' out. Looks like a normal ball to me but oh well, it's mine now.

I thought I wouldn't encounter anyone... But mad dummy appeared. Out of flipping nowhere. In the life sized Kissy Cutie cat or whatever. Don't know how this timeline works but shouldn't he be now syncro with that beat up dummy thing?

"Oh look who we have here, if it isn't the mercyless comedian" He chuckled. "Too be honest I expected something wrong with you. All that secret keeping... Dodging questions like a megalomaniac... and then it finally happend you killed everyone! Well except me, blooky and the few that got evacuated..." I turned around looked at him, smiling with empty eyesockets. "Oh~ looks like I didn't found the next kill..." I chuckled. "The next kill found me found me" I summoned my knifes, obviously made out of magic. I was fast, acurate, strong. All it took was one hit.

That makes me wonder tho... this wierd encounter... is there another killer on the loose? Maybe I should think of a different nickname just in case. Maybe One Hit, based on One Punchman. Maybe, maybe not. I can't decide yet... Wait... how do I even know how to fight? I shrugged to myself. Probaly because I am in Killers body. I walked through hotland, into the lab. I collected more notes and a few more pieces and tools. From the true lab aswell. I didn't notice anyone and just kept walking through the core into the throne room. Nothing else peaked my interrest. Well except the medaillon. I took it. It was shiny I needed to! It practicaly screamed my name. Maybe it even did. Oh well cursed items are fun... probaly. No I wont put it back it's mine now!

I am childish I know and I don't care. I sat on the throne because why not? Comfy. Perfect place for a nap. I closed my eyesockets and fell asleep very quickly. I never fell asleep fast in my past life. It's pretty nice.

Well I didn't even sleep for 5 minutes and something wierd is going on. The space and maybe time too? Is shifting around me. What the-? I was knocked out.

I woke up in a basement. I groaned and stood up. Yeah, I was in that basement. "Seriously? I wasn't even near that damn machine!" Classic, Stretch, Blue, Red and Edge looked at me confused and wary. I looked back at the machine. "Who are you? You look like this tear freak guy" I ignored him. "...Are you kidding me!? This thing isn't even near finished, nor is half of it correctly connected!" "Wait, you know how that machine works!?" I looked at them blankly. "Are you telling me you played with something so dangerous without knowing how it works?"

They looked away in shame. "And I thought only humans can be that stupid... guess I was proven wrong once more" I sighed. "Besides there are easier ways to get to the void or to get people out of there..." I mumbled. Not quiet enough. "What cha mean? Easier ways?" "I'm too tired for this shit" I looked at Classic. "Yo, original mind showing me a room so I can rest. You guys can throw all your questions tomorrow at me" "Wait how-" "Tomorrow please. I'm getting a headache..." He only nodded and left. I followed him. He showed me a free room and opened the door for me. "Here yah go, hope you have a bed time" He winked at me jokingly. "Thanks, you may call me One Hit or Slice" I walked in and closed the door behind me. I fell on the bed and closed my eyesockets.

Finally I can rest. I opened my eyesockets and I was in a blank space everything was black. Words appeared in front of me.

[Erase their memories of your machine knowledge?]

[YES] ♡      [NO]

Too lazy too explain, so yes. I want to have a bit of fun before I go back anyways.


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