Bloopers 1

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Chapter 1:

I died. Why did I die? Because Satan has choosen me! duh! Anyways-

"Slice that's not the text!"

But the text is boring!

*takes deep breath* "It is literly the start of the story!"


"Maybe I should have choosen someone else..."

*Le Gasp* You are Satan!?


I woke up. I was in a small room on a maitress. Wait... didn't I die? I looked a bit closer. Oh my... This can't be ...right? I am in Sans's room!? I looked at myself. I am Satan! Finally something good in my existenz!


Wha-? Why?

"It's Sans and not Satan. Like seriously what kind of bound do you have with that guy?"

*shrugges* I dunno. Aren't you supose to know since you created me and all?

*starres at Slice and questions existenz*

Creator are you alright?


I wonder wich one I am tho... Classic? No... these clothes look a bit different. White shorts with black stripes instead of the oposide.


"Dude it's getting old fast. Didn't you tell me the text was boring?"


"Then why do you keep repeating Satan? Isn't it boring to repeat it over and over and over again?"


"I don't understand you"

You don't understand anything.



I jumped up... and tested if there is any fall damage.

[Slice tried to fly and failed miserably]

I died. The end.


I walked slowly to the door.

*Knock knock*

Who is there?

"To pick"

To pick who?

"I have a bone to pick with you!"

R.I.P me-

*Megalovenia starts playing*


I walked outside. Nobody.

Gaster: Am I a joke to you?

I thought about checking the basement. Do I want getting transported somewhere else while just arriving here? Well what do I have to lose?

Gaster: Your life

Nothing. I was now in the basement. First thing I did was putting everything that looked important into my inventory.

Gaster: Hey stop ignoring me! Wait that's my collection of my littly bony figures! Why do you take everything from me?!

You never know when you need it. It where mostly just notes and a few interresting parts that where probaly for the machine.

Gaster: don't you dare using my precius collection for the machine!

I didn't plan on working it.

Gaster: Good

But now I want to just to p*ss of Gaster

Gaster: So you do hear me! DON'T YOU FLIPPING DARE HURT MY BABYS!


I thought I wouldn't encounter anyone... But mad Satan appeared.
Out of flipping nowhere.

"Okay, you know what? You are banned from the daycare! Securety allert! Securety allert! Woohoo! Woohoo!"

Creator that is the wrong fandom...

"Like you care"

I do care. Just not about the things you want me to care about.

"Like Satan?"

Yes, Satan


"Oh~ looks like I didn't found the next kill..." I chuckled. "The next kill found me" I summoned my gay knifes, obviously made out of magic. I was fast, acurate, strong. All it took was one hit.

*It was not very affective*

Hey, I made a referenze to a moment with Ink and Error and you come with pokemon?


Wait... how do I even know how to fight? I shrugged to myself. Probaly because I made a deal with Satan. I walked through hell, into the lab. I collected more souls of the innocent-

"Wait, hold up! What are innocent souls doing in hell?"

Dude it was for da memes!

"Dude it still doesn't make any sense!"

Sans when does it to make Sans?

0_0 "I am on a lost of words..."


Slice reads out loud:|Nothing else peaked my interrest.|
What about the souls? I want the souls! Why didn't I get the souls?

"That's excactly the reason why"


"Who are you? You look like this tear freak guy" "Because I am! But also a upgraded version" I opened a portal and left. The others where dumpfounded. "...Are you kidding me!?" Red was confuzed and angry.


They looked away in shame. *Slice renamed the judgment hall* "You guys should go to the hall of shame"


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