Chapter 13

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▪Harry's POV▪

I just got back to my shared flat with both Callums, and I was really tired but I had to film another video for my channel. I promised my subscribers. I think a QnA will do for now.

Oh I need to send (Y/N) a textmessage. I nearly forgot.

Me: Hey (Y/N), I just wanted to tell you that I arrived at home. What are you doing right now? :)

5 minutes later I got a reply.

(Y/N) :)xx : I am at Nandos with Josh at the moment. :) what about you?

I texted back quickly.

Me: Oh I am jealous! Now I want Nandos aswell! :( I'm about to film another video for my channel. I already miss you guys! :D

After that I decided to get the QnA done.

I got a lot of questions from my viewers with the #wroetoQnA. Some were just weird and some other were actually alright.

I finished filming the video and decided to keep scrolling through some of the questions. That's when a tweet caught my attention.

It was a screenshot from our last crossbarchallenge. It showed the scene were I hugged (Y/N) after she hit the crossbar.

The caption of the photo was "Well I ship it! What about you Harry? :P #WroetoQnA"

I blushed at that. The photo was actually really cute. I think I would ship us aswell, I mean we also get along pretty well and I have a little bit of a crush on (Y/N) to be honest. BUT she is also Simons sister, it could be weird for him If i would date her.

Well, I decided to check if she answered my text yet. She did. I smiled at that.

(Y/N) :)xx :We/I miss you aswell Harry! :D When will you come to the sidemen house again? :)

Me: I don't know yet. ('Hopefully soon!', I thought) But I will tell you if there will be something new. :)

(Y/N) :)xx : Okay, I can't wait. :)

Me: Me either! :) xx

I saved the screenshot of us hugging and went to bed after that, smiling.

Simon's Sister (A W2S fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt