Chapter 3

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Once inside the doors of their private room Tony lost it.


"It's just for a few days. This is a couples retreat. I needed a partner,"

"Why didn't you tell me? You blindsided me," Tony said.

"If I had told you would you have come?" Clint asked as he sat on the bed and took his shoes off.

"No absolutely not," Tony said as he took out his presumably normal phone to the naked eye but it was full of spyware.

He hit Pepper's name and he was anxious to call her.

"Hi honey," he said looking into the camera at Pepper's smiling face.

"Remember no specific details. Things are safer that way," Clint whispered.

"How's paradise?" she asked.

"I wouldn't exactly call it paradise. I'm undercover as Barton's husband," Tony said and his face turned into a grimace.

Pepper couldn't help but burst into laughter as she took the phone outside.

"Anyway I love you. Tell Maguna I'll call her to say goodnight," he said.

"Love you too," she said as she hung up.

Pepper put on the news and took advantage of the momentary silence. She laid back and was listening when something caught her attention and she opened them suddenly. There was a prison riot at Coxsackie Correctional Facility in Greene County, NY. It was only an hour away but it was maximum security so Pepper was sure that they'd have it under control soon. She put it out of her mind and went to go and catch up on some laundry.

Tony unpacked his clothes and looked at Clint.

"What's the plan? Who are we watching and why?" Tony inquired.

"His name is Ivan Popov, an international thief. He mostly steals jewels but he has been known to steal artifacts and other things of value and we were tipped off that he was going to steal something here in Trinidad and we need to find out what it is and stop him," Clint explained.

"And we're supposed to find this out how?"

"With your tech and some skills from me. He's at the retreat. It's a cover for his next hit," Clint continued.

"So what's the first thing on the list?"

"I need you to set up cameras in here in case they break into our room so we can see what they've done,"

"Why would they break into our room?" Tony asked.

"They probably won't. It's just a precaution in case they are onto us and they want to see what we have on them,"

"On it," Tony said as he pulled out the small selection of tech he was allowed to bring and started bugging the room.

"Oh and we need fake names. You're Edward Hampton and I'm Clyde Bell," he said, handing Tony a fake I.D.

"And then what?"

"I grabbed the itinerary. Couples yoga and then dinner," Clint said, handing Tony the paper.

"Good thing my ass looks amazing in yoga pants, but for dinner I will be the belle of the ball," Tony said as he changed into some athletic clothes. Clint did the same and they went to find the yoga studio.

When they got there they sized up the place and Tony didn't need to see a picture to know which one was Ivan Popov. He was flashy and had on gold athletic pants and his wife had striking red hair swept up perfectly with big golden accent barrettes and not a hair out of place.

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