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Vanitas lay staring at the ceiling with an arm over his head... he hadn't slept in over 73 hours now... "big brother?"


"Are you... alright? Did you and Noé fight? Is that why you haven't come from your room?"


"Father said you won't even talk to them..."

"I'm just... thinking..."

"About what?"


"What about him?" Vanitas couldn't help the flutter of his chest.

"Just... him... here.... A secret." The little one jumped onto the bed, staring with excited eyes as Vanitas sat up and let the little one play with his hair. "We... kissed." The little one gasped as he began to shout what Vanitas had just mumbled. "Shhh!"

"Sorry... but why are you sulking if you kissed!"

"I... ran."

"Wha! Big brother! How could you!" Vanitas dropped his shoulders with a shrug.

"That's what I keep trying to figure out..." he paused, reaching up to his eyes... just as they had that night, there were unwelcome tears. "It felt right for a moment, but even so, I was... crying... l-like right now... whenever I think I've got a hold, something drops and I just start... again."

The brother hugged Vanitas from behind. "You should sleep..." He mumbled, tugging Vanitas down, squirming to pull the covers over both of them.

"I'm... probably exhausted..."


Sleep didn't come easy... even when the other was soundly asleep, Vanitas couldn't keep his eyes shut... what if Noé hated him now? Thought he was messing with him?

Those are not the thoughts he should have fallen asleep to...

It had been a week since he saw Noé...

The world seemed... off...

His eyes opened from where he'd drifted off only...

He wasn't opening them at home...


This again....


More nightmares?

He followed where his body took him, breaking through glass without fear, lunging for somebody and missing...

Staring at a man holding onto a girl... Noé... he recognized those violet eyes from anywhere... though, his clothes were centuries in the past.

He followed the movements, the muted silence of the dream. Racing after him, chasing his own words...

Unaware and limp until he fell back and towards the city streets...

Watching slowly as that ma.... That vampire... came racing after him, securing him, keeping him from dying from the fall... tears trickled down his cheeks...

Memories flooded his mind....


He was cold...

Staring up at the scene of his worst nightmares...

There were no static or blurred images this time...

The world was basked in light so brilliantly blue it stung to see. The world was amazingly moving in slow motion. His body falling back, his hands reached to his chest, staring at the wound as he choked with shock.

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