Chapitre 1✈️

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Today was an eventful day to say the least, Aizawa painstakingly decided that class 3-A deserved a break from villains and problems and stress and homework. Sounds nice, right?

The mistake is what he chose to do during that break.

He thought that it would be best to bring his class to Paris for a week, a sort-of sightseeing/cultural experience—was what he had in mind.

He didn't account for how ecstatic the class would be about that. And how little they would actually listen to what he had to say once they got there.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's go back to the day of their departure flight!

Allons-y! (Let's go!)

~Monday March 6th 12:32pm~

The Haneda airport was peaceful, people were walking, chatting quietly amongst each other. Some were buying a snack from the vending machines and others were taking a Power Nap before a long flight.

Then, like a balloon popping, a screech echoed through the serene terminal.


Well well well, I wonder who that could be?

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Ah yes ladies and gentlemen right here is a prime example of an Angry Katsuki Bakugo™️, part of the Blondus Pomerianium BoomBoom Boyis species.

The red-haired male just scowled at his friend.

"Bro chill out Jesus, you can't take a joke can you?" Kirishima said, tossing the phone back.

Both he and the rest of the Bakusquad were slowly getting fed up with how short-tempered the blond was, they loved him but holy shit he could be annoying.

Bakugo was confused, usually his friends would tease him when he got angry, but Kiri just seemed plain upset. He wondered why that was.

Rolling his eyes, the class made their way through the terminal, getting occasional glares from passengers who had been woken up due to a certain someone's outburst.

Making their way to the gate the class was so large that they took up an entire row and a half of seats!

Bakugo sat with his headphones in listening to Hayloft II by: Mother Mother.

Now all they had to do was wait for boarding!

[Fun Fact about France™️: Nobody and I mean NOBODY has ever said "Oui oui baguette" (yes yes baguette) or "Sacré bleu" (French way of saying 'oh god') un-ironically]

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