Chapter 14⛲️

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They purchased the passes and walked into the park. It was drizzling today so the area was practically deserted. Shoto and his social anxiety appreciated that.

"What should we do first?" Asked Bakugo, looking at the large map.

"Uhh well let's do them in the order we see them." Kazumi suggested after some thinking.

"Sounds good to me."

They meandered around the park until they came across a ride. It was in the shape of a clock tower. The concept looked pretty straight forward, the ride brings you all the way to the top then drops you, repeating that pattern from a few different heights for a total of 2 minutes.

They had their passes scanned and sat down, lowering the safety buckles.

"Hope you aren't scared of heights pretty boy." Teased the older.

"Not at all." Grinned the younger. (A/n: My boy also aint scared of heights✋)

The ride started after a brief safety announcement was presented. It was in french but Bakugo assumed it was the standard shit, stay seated, buckled in and whatnot.

Then it started.

It wasn't very high up but still high enough that they could see the other rides the park offered. One caught Shoto's eye. A huge carousel but instead of it being horses, it was swings. The top would spin and the swings would be lifted in the air, and spun around very quickly. It looked entertaining.

Suddenly they were falling. Bakugo couldn't care less about this. It was nothing compared to falls he had had when his quirk failed him in mid air. Shoto was enjoying himself, when he was younger this kind of entertainment was prohibited by his father. he didn't care if it was strange that a 17 year old was so easily amused by an amusement park. He just wanted to feel like a child again.

All in all once it was over, Katsuki would give the ride a 6/10 and Kazumi a 7.5/10

They quickly moved onto the next one. It looked very steampunk-esque (a/n: not me inventing new words🤭) It began by making the seats for up and down quickly then it spun them around quickly while making them go up and down, this repeated with the seats spinning in the opposite direction. For a total of 2 minutes as well.

The couple (a/n: not yet officially😞) made their way to their seats. Lowering the safety bar and securing the seatbelts. This time Bakugo enjoyed it a bit more, he liked the combination of the spinning and the shaking (?) it was entertaining. Shoto looked like he was on cloud nine. He was realizing his childhood dreams by doing this.

After it was over he insisted they ride it again. The operator smiled as he recognized the pair. They did it again, and again, and again.

Finally Shoto was satisfied, and Bakugo was light-headed.

Katsuki spotted a game stall not far from where they were and dragged Shoto there. Demanding they have a competition.

"Fine fine."

"YES! Oh I'm gonna beat you so bad!"

Little did the blond know this was a shooting game, when your explosions are a big as Bakugo's you don't need to be precise when you aim. Shoto on the other hand had to be exact with his aim when he used either of his quirks otherwise someone could get seriously injured.

The operator and other players were shocked as Kazumi hit the center of the target every single time. Bakugo missed twice, making the younger the victor.

"What was that about you 'beating me so bad'?" he teased. The operator allowed him to choose a prize. None of them caught his eye until he spotted an angry orange puppy plush. He later found out that it was reversible.

It reminded him of a certain blond so he took it

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It reminded him of a certain blond so he took it. Bakugo thought it was cute but it didn't seem like Shoto's style.

"Why that one?"

"He kinda looks like you." Kazumi states bluntly.

"W-What?!" Exclaimed Katsuki, face red.

"He looks like you, I got him so that once you leave I'll have something to remind me of the time we spent together." he explained, holding the plushie against his chest. Smiling sadly.

'Ah, right...'

Bakugo had completely forgotten about that minor detail. He would be leaving in a few weeks. Why did the thought of that make him sad? I mean it's not they're in a relationship so long-distance would be complicated, they were just friends.

Just friends.

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