Chapitre 23.5🎨

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"Hey, is this where Shoto and Rei Kazumi live?"

Bakugo's was shocked to hear the unexpected guest speak Japanese. Taking a closer look at them he saw that it was a woman. She was very tall and had on a long red dress, and dark red high heels. Her hair...wasn't hair. It glowed like lava.
Her eyes were a bright turquoise, reminding the blond of Shoto's left eye.

"I'm sorry who are you?" He asked, opening the door to show the rest of his body.

"Oh forgive me. My name is Teka, Teka Todoroki. I'm looking for my grandson, Shoto and his mom, Rei." She explained, her eyes softening.

"Ah hello Mrs Todoroki. I'm Katsuki Bakugo. Your grandson is here, his mom is with him. I can go get them for you if you'd like?" He offered. The woman nodded, saying she'd wait at the door.

Bakugo hurried back into the house.

Knocking on Shoto's door, Rei opened it.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yes, but someone named Teka is here, Teka Todoroki. She says Shoto is her grandson and would like to see you and him." Katsuki explained, pointing towards the hallway.

Rei looked shocked. She hurried out of the room. Leaving Bakugo and Shoto alone. Again.

"Hey-",The blond started.

"Shoto! Come to the living room dear!" Rei called out. Said boy ignored the blond, and obeyed his mom's request.

Katsuki sighed, knowing he had fucked up big time. Figuring he wasn't needed in the conversation, he went to his room. And called his mom.

'Hey mom'


'Book the ticket for two days from now.'

'Alright, is everything ok? You haven't called me mom in a while.'

'I made a huge mistake, and I don't know what to do...' He whispered, voice wavering.

'Honey...did something happen with Shoto?'

'Yeah. I fucked up big time.'

'I'll talk to Rei, see what I can do. You're sure about the flight?'

'Mhm. Two days from now.'

'Ok then, your father says hi.'

'Hi dad.'

'I'll see you soon dear. I love you.'

'I love you too mom.'

/ / /

"Shoto! My darling!" Teka hurriedly ran to embrace her grandson.

"Hi grandma." He said, unsure of why she was here.

"What brings you to Paris?" Rei asked,  handing the older woman a cup of tea.

"Business." She said, taking a sip.

"Oh? What kind?"

"I'm not sure if you know but I'm planning on retiring soon. Which means I'm looking for an heir to inherit my company. With Enji behind bars, he isn't and was never an option. Touya is dead, Fuyumi and Natsuo have already chosen their career paths. Which leaves you, Shoto." Teka said, crossing her legs.

Shoto's jaw dropped. His grandmother was well-known for owning one of the most prestigious fashion companies in Japan. Valued at almost double his father's net worth.

"W-What?" He asked.

"Shoto, I'm asking you to come back to Japan with me so I can show you how everything works, and when you turn 18 the title of CEO and owner will be passed down to you." The red-haired woman explained.

Kazumi thought for a moment.

"There's a catch isn't there? Something I have to do. It can't be that straightforward." He asked.

Teka grinned.

"You've always been very smart. There is one condition."

Rei and Shoto looked at each other then back at the other.

"Which would be?" Rei asked.

"Shoto has to change his last name back to Todoroki."

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