Chapter 26🌪️

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Nari couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Shoto's plushie. Peppermint.

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The next day, Bakugo had already packed his bags. His flight was tomorrow.

He chose to spend the least amount of time possible inside the house. He confirmed with his mom that Kara could use the extra ticket, and hung out with her for the majority of the day.

She went back home a few minutes ago to pack her suitcases.

Now Bakugo was alone in the park, listening to Dynamite by BTS on his headphones.

He suddenly recognized a person in the distance, well rather, their hair.

It was Shoto.

The last person Bakugo wanted to see.

He decided to just ignore him, assuming the younger was just passing by to reach whatever destination he was going to.

He was wrong.

"Bakugo. What are you doing here by yourself?" Kazumi was now right in front of the blond. Katsuki paused his music.

"None of your fucking business." He snapped.

"I still don't understand, what did I do?" Shoto was heartbroken after their earlier conversation.

"And now you want to act all innocent?" Bakugo's rage was barely being contained.

"How fucking dare you...after all this you still can't tell me the truth?" The rage slowly started to boil over.

"What? The truth about what?" And then it exploded.


Kazumi did a double take. What had he just said?

"I loved you...every piece of you."

"That's all I ever wanted. To be loved by you." Shoto whispered, accidentally thinking out loud.

"Oh yeah? Well guess what, all I feel for you now is hatred."

Shoto didn't understand. What had he done wrong? It was like his father all over again.

Hating him when he didn't even know why. He wanted to scream and cry but nothing came out of his mouth.

He just stood silently. That word repeating over and over in his mind rhythmically, like a heartbeat.


"I love you..." He said after what felt like an eternity of silence. These were far from the ideal circumstances he had in mind.

In the three weeks they had known each other never once did he ever expect things to end this way.

Sure they were both going to Japan, but he knew Bakugo would do everything in his power to never cross paths with him again.

"I would do anything for you. In a heartbeat." He didn't know why he kept going, it was futile now.

"Then leave me alone."

Another knife through the heart. He didn't think he could take any more of this. And yet, he stayed there. Standing silently.

"I thought you trusted me. Once again, as always, you proved me wrong." He kept telling himself to shut up. Bakugo didn't want to listen to him drone on and on about his stupid feelings.

"You love to be right. But here and now, accusing me of something I didn't know I did...just how self-absorbed are you?" Now his kind words turned bitter, as he realized that Bakugo didn't deserve him begging for his affection.

"How selfish could you be to not even want to explain to me what the fuck is going on?"

"I knew you were an asshole. Your crude language, awful manners, and general way of life. I thought it was cute. Now you disgust me. You know, you've turned into Kara. An entitled bitch with an attitude problem. I can't believe I fell in love with you." He spat, eyes burning with anger.

Shoto turned on his heel and walked away. Thinking to himself,

'And I can't believe I still am.'

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