Chapter 4: A New Ally

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A knock at the door caught Sojun's attention as he turned around and stated to whoever was there to enter. In comes a young imnian looking to be the same age as Sojun with an olive skin tone and dressed in something that could only be described as comfortable. He didn't seem to be part of the gang at first but it was not long until Sojun reacted to the imnian showing up.

"Cally~" He purred with a sly smile on his face. "What brings you here?" The smile may lead some to believe they were close, however, it wouldn't be further from the truth. Close was not exactly what they were. If anything Sojun using that cursed nickname would give away he was mocking the other. Hazel didn't look up at the newcomer, watching out the window as she covered her amputated leg with her tail.

Callisto looked around the room for a moment, noticing Hazel he seemed a bit confused. Sojun didn't allow almost anyone in his studio and he hadn't seen her before anyways. "Who is she?" he thought to himself before being brought back to reality by Sojun's tone and way of speaking. He hated it when others called him Cally, more cause he knew it was just to mock him for being compassionate, but he soon gave a smile before answering the other imnian, "Some of the others want to see you, they said it was important."

Callisto heard Sojun mutter something before leaving, not caring that he practically shoved Callisto out of the way to go out before noting on his way into the hallway, "Callisto keep out."

That was a warning and Callisto knew better than to go against it. He was about to leave when he looked back at the goneopard on the couch.

"You don't seem to like the name he called you prior, so Callisto is your name?" Hazel asked softly, turning her gaze to the imnian in the doorway after Sojun left.

Callisto smiled and it looked way more genuine than whatever smile Sojun showed before. "Right...they call me that all the time anyway, doesn't matter that I don't like it... they just use Callisto when they mean to threaten me about something," he replied, a bit of hurt slipping in his tone. "Haven't seen you here before...Let me guess, Toksa got a new passion for torturing someone else other than escorts and sweet talkers?"

"According to Mr. Friendly, I am captive here by order of your boss," Hazel replied softly, turning her gaze back to the window as she commented, "I think Callisto is a unique and rather pretty name by the way."

Callisto giggled before answering her, "Yeah Mr. Friendly quite suits him... in an ironic way," he was a bit surprised when she added that compliment about his name, "Thanks I guess.." he mumbled, his ears getting a bit red from feeling embarrassed. "I don't think I got your name though...would be nice to know you by name since it looks like you will be here a while..." he tried to make it seem more light-hearted, though he knew how bad she must feel to be captive in such a place. He had been like that before as well at a time.

"Hazel, Hazel Koi is my name, and I've been here before, isn't the worst I've had to endure from this gang," she moved her tail, revealing her amputated leg, which explained why Sojun was quite willing to leave her alone in the studio even if she was a prisoner.

Callisto widened his eyes a bit, sure it was nothing new to see. He has seen first hands rip others to pieces from as little as a wrong word used. They were ruthless, he knew that. It didn't change that it shocked him almost every time though. "I am had to go through that Hazel..." he muttered, letting his head down. Even if he was not the one that did it, he felt guilty. It was his weakness. Him putting forward too many emotions and allowing himself to get too sensitive. His train of thought was interrupted as he felt someone catch him by the choker, dragging him back. He let out a surprised yelp as he was dragged out of the room and hit in the abdomen before being pushed aside.

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