(Caitlyn x Fem!Reader)

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3rd POV:

   Y'know what has it's perks living in topside? Yeah... No... Me neither. Besides the great food, better than the undercity but Jericho's is still #1. And a comfy bed to sleep in, running warm water that isn't filled with polluted water, and clean clothes.

But what tops all that is having a girlfriend.... The MOST amazing girlfriend ever.

Y/N's POV:

   I was walking towards my girlfriend's house from the undercity. Mylo wanted to come with me but that's obviously not happening. Claggor and Vi had to hold him down so he wouldn't escape...

Upon arriving two shiny doors ahead of me opened up and there stood a blue headed woman right in front of me.

Caitlyn Kiramman

Yes. THE Caitlyn Kiramman! Piltover's finest sheriff and my girlfriend.

"You're a bit early love" She says with her beautiful accent that I adore. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "M-maybe" She says, stepping aside allowing for me to enter.

"Cute~" I say before pecking her on the cheek. "So! What's on the agenda today, Sheriff~" I say, making the word "sheriff" seductive enough for her. "Well... We could go walk around Piltover and look around at all the shops" She says with a blush creeping on her face.

We could do that buuuut I despise the people here... Don't get me wrong! There's very few people here I'm fond of like Jayce for instance! He's cool and fun to talk to. Especially about Hextech. And Viktor! He lets me help him with work and projects he works on. Heimerdinger also, he's funny... And Mel. Met her through Jayce and I kind of like her.

It's just that when we're both out I get stares and people say shit to me behind my back or to my face. Which I usually ignore and not care but it's different when I'm out with Cait. She could do so much better than me...

A nobody from Zaun.


   "Oi! What's a street rat like you doing up here aye?!" A talk guy with expensive clothing said to me. I was near Caitlyn's house waiting for her until this guy showed up. Great...

"None of your business. Now leave" I say, not even batting an eye at him. He got closer to me and pushed me but not enough to make me fall or lose my balance. But it was enough to piss me off...

"Do you know who you're talking to?!" He yelled.

"No and I don't care. I'm not gonna ask again..." I say, fists clenching and my teeth gritting. Before either of us could do anything I hear footsteps running me from behind.

"Is there a problem?" I turned around and there stood Caitlyn. Eyebrows furrowed at the man in front of us.

"She with you?" He asked, pointing at me.

"She is. Why is that your concern?"

"She's a Zaunite! She doesn't belong here!" He spewed

"I didn't ask. Now run along before you get into trouble and trust me... You don't want that" She says, glaring at him.

He looked shocked and I'm guessing he realized who she was and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Thanks" I say, looking down at the ground. Just trying to avoid her gaze.

"Anytime love" She hugged me and I did the same back. After that day... I just automatically thought that she could do better...

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