4. Harry's Party

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I got to the party and walked in. I knew people would force me to talk to Tara but I really didn't want to. She was a kind person but I haven't talked to her or thought about her since our kiss at that party 3 years ago.

I went into the loudest room and waited for Y/n to get here so we could dance together. I think I'm in love with them. Like, so in love. They just make me feel so good about myself and they're such a great person.

I looked around for them as I danced with Sai and a few other friends. I saw them walk in. They were scanning the crowd for me. I waved my arms frantically over my head and ran to them. I wrapped my arms around them and hugged them tightly.

'I've been looking for you!' we said in unison. We laughed and I suggested that we go somewhere quieter. 'Wanna race?' they asked as they began running. 'Race to where?' I asked, panting as I ran after them. 'Anywhere!' they said loudly and continued running.

I chuckled and ran into the room they had disappeared into. 'Woah-' they said as they looked around the massive room. It had a chandelier and beautiful satin curtains. It was fit for the queen! They sat down near a window and I followed.

I ran a sweaty hand through my hair and they turned their neck to face me. 'You look nice tonight' they mumbled. 'Do I?' I questioned as a blush formed on my face. 'You really do' they reassured me.

They sat up and faced me. I was alarmed by the sudden change in posture. 'Is it true? Do you really like Tara Jones?' they enquired as they avoided my eyes. 'Tara? Nah' I answered. 'So you don't have a crush on anyone?' they questioned further. I chuckled, 'well I didn't say that!' I said. 'What's she like then?' they asked with a sniffle.

'Why do you assume they're a she?' I asked them. My tone was now serious. 'So they're not a girl?' they asked, as the light re-entered their eyes. 'Uh-' I stuttered. 'Maybe?' I half said, half asked. 'I'll give you another question then,' they said 'would you ever kiss someone who wasn't a girl?' their face was closer to mine now.

'Erm.. I don't know' I answered timidly. 'Different question..' they said, coming closer to me. 'Would you kiss me?' they asked. 'Yeah..' I said, my voice barely heard over the loud music that was playing right outside the door.

I put my hand on their nape and slowly pulled them closer. Our faces were so close that I could feel their warm breath on my face. I closed the limited space between us and put my lips on theirs.

It was an electric kiss. I felt sparks fly between us. We pulled away from each other for a second and then we were back at it. I moved closer to them so it was easier for me to kiss them.

We kissed until I heard Harry outside. He was calling mine and Y/n's names. We both jumped up and walked out of the room. Harry saw us and said 'ooh we're you two making out in there?'. 'No we weren't Harry' I said, emotionlessly.

'Aw come on Nick. Learn to take a joke mate' he said as he put an arm around my neck. Y/n walked away from us. 'Look what you did now..' I whispered and stormed away from them. 'What's his deal?' I heard Harry ask Sai.

I ran around, frantically looking for them but I couldn't find them. I panicked. I picked up my phone and texted them. They had to be around here somewhere right? They didn't answer any of my texts.

I went home that night defeated. I felt like such a terrible person. We had kissed and then I just left them to be with stupid Harry. Ugh I needed to apologize first thing tomorrow.

I needed to make everything ok again.


Hey my darlings! I'm back to writing again! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll write another one tomorrow! For now, stay safe and healthy. Love you all <33

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