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Said Y/n who was on the bed arms crossed glaring at the door..
Because, her mom was knocking the door want y/n to open it...



In the middle of autumn and winter season, Cloudy sky... Y/n was sleeping peacefully..

The sun doesn't rise yet, hence it was 7:00 AM...

Her room was messy, numerous paint brushes, Stacks of crumbled papers, and a beautiful potrait of her dad hanging on the canvas...


She was working her ass off to make a beautiful potrait of her dad, as she want to give this to her dad's birthday which is after 2 days..

Her mom enter the room and make a disguted face seeing the messy room, she sigh and began to work on it...

Making sure, her sound of work doesn't make y/n woke up from her deep sleep!

Her mom eyes landed on the potrait, a proud grin appear when she see her handsome husband.... Without thinking twice she go towards that painting, she has a cleaning liquid on her hand...

Bending down a little she glance at the painting more intensly that she doesn't notice the cleaning liquid fell on that painting...

Letting out a big gasp!

Her mom immediately back away, she stare at the now ruined painting with wide eyes...

"Oh shit" that was the word she said before turning towards the direction where y/n was sleeping...

I said 'WAS' sleeping...

Her mom eyes more widen when she see, y/n has woken up now Staring at her hardwork with jaw dropped...

"M-mom.. what you d-did?" She said in a crying voice...

"B-baby, I am s-sorry, I didn't knew it" her mom said shuttering in guilty...


Y/n yelled still staring at the painting...

"B-baby" her mom called her but cutted off..

"Mom, I don't wanna talk with you"

Her mom hang her head low and nodded... She knew that she did a bad thing by ruining the painting which took 3 days to make it...

She slowly exit her room with the liquid still on her hand!

End of Flashback.....

Since that time, y/n isn't coming out from her room... It's her daily habit!

Whenever she is angry or upset, she quarantine herself in the room for 1 day!

Yes for 1 freaking day!

She is so childish...

Y/n pov:

I didn't know my hardwork of 3 days will go in vain!

I was so excited... I thought about the big wide smile on my father's face when I will give the painting on his birthday...

But guess what?

I messed up!

I mean I really messed up! Cause When I see the painting more intensly I notice that the cleaning liquid which my mom fell on it AcCiDeNtAlLy, is now making the potrait shine...

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