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Y/n and taehyung both go down and open the door...


Y/n jump on both of them hugging them tightly

"Ommo my daughter" y/n mom said

"EOMAA APPA" taehyung also hug both of them...

Her parents laugh and hug both taehyung and y/n smiling whole heartedly....

Y/n and taehyung pull out.. and give them smile...

Y/n mom and dad both stare at taehyung and y/n fondly...

"Come inside mom dad" taehyung and y/n both make her parents sit on the couch...

Y/n ran to the kitchen to bring something from them...

Taehyung smile at them showing his boxy smile... Which melted both of them..

"Taehyungahh how are you my child?" Y/n mom ask

"I am good Eomaa, how are you both" he said smiling at them

"Aish look how cute he is?" Her dad said looking at taehyung lovingly

Taehyung blush and look down

"You love my princess right" he again asked

Taehyung look up and nodded repeatedly

"I love y/n soooooooo much, she also love me soooooooo much"

Both of them laugh at his talking behaviour...

Soon y/n came with snacks...

"WOW MANGO JUICE" taehyung yell and he was about to take when y/n glare at him...

He make a big pout and sit back in his place

"Yaah y/n how dare you to do this to my son" her mother said and went towards taehyung hugging him carsesing his hair... Taehyung stuck his tongue out at her and grinned...

Y/n mother give him the mango juice... Taehyung eyes lightened up, he immediately take the drink and sip it licking his lips...

Y/n sigh and sit beside her father hugging him...

"Aah appa how are you, mom is stuck with taehyung only, she loves him more... You love me more than him right" she asked him glaring at taehyung who was getting pampered by her mom

"Obviously my princess, You are my favourite and my life"

Y/n giggle at his statement!


Time skip..

They all talk whole time, whole time Taehyung get pampered by y/n mom, due to which y/n getting jealous but she cop up cause her father was with her pampering her....

It was the time for them to go...

Taehyung and y/n both hug them tightly as they can...

Y/n mother kiss both taehyung and y/n forehead, same as her father...

"Take care child, If you need something then call us okay" her dad said

They nodded... Bidding each other goodbyes, y/n close the door giggling!

She turn back to see taehyung smiling at her blinking his eyes..
Y/n smile faded...

"W-what?" She ask him staring at him weirdly seeing his act

He made a pout and spread his arms walking towards her like a penguin

"Tae Tae wants a hug please" he ask with a baby voice

"Yaah tae did you get high by drinking the mango juice"

He cutely shook his head and continue stepping forward... Y/n step back

Taehyung halted on his place and  his eyes get teary ..

"Y-you don't love t-tae tae" he started sobbing

Y/n melted by his extremely cute behaviour and go towards him before engulfing him in a hug...

He giggle and hug her back, he gives the best hug....

"Mmmmmm" he hummed when y/n cradle him

"Tae let's go to the bedroom, I am coming"

"Noooo, you will also come" he said and drag her to the bedroom, y/n tried her best but she didn't get out of his grip...

"Tae, I can walk y-you no need to carry me"

"No, Tae Tae will carry you" he said and finally carry her till bedroom....

He plopped on the bed still hugging her, y/n hovered over him..

He laugh loudly...

"Yaah it tickles"

Y/n watch him in confusion before she realise, her hands were on his waist.. she smirk and tickle him...

Taehyung burst into laughter, y/n had a smile on her face seeing taehyung happy, she tickle him more making him choke by laughing...

"A-ahh leave N-no skjdhx-" his half of words were coming as gibberish

Y/n finally leave him, he breath heavily and close his eyes...

Y/n hug him tightly resting her head on his chest hearing his now calm heart beat...

Y/n nuzzle onto him more.. soon she feel taehyung also hug him back.



"Give me kiseu"

"No" she said and close her eyes feeling tired

He whinned loudly and pull her closer, her head nuzzle on his neck..

"Give me kiss" he whinned again

Y/n look up and peck his lips was about to sleep again.. when taehyung pull her and smash his lips on her kissing her passionately..

Y/n smile at the kiss and kiss him back, in these days he get more good skills in kiss...

She pull out making taehyung pout

"Tae, I am sleepy" she said in a husky voice and again lay on him sleeping...

"Then sleep" he push her making her land on bed...

She scoff and scoot away from him hugging the pillow instead and close her eyes turning off the lamp...


Taehyung scoot towards her and hug her...

"I was kidding"

"Nah, leave go and hug someone else" she push him...

Taehyung then get an idea, he jump over her body making her groan...

He was sleeping over her body hugging her like no tomorrow

"Yaah tae leave, oww my back"

"No, first let me hug you, then I will leave you"

"O-okay" she said.. taehyung jump on the bed again and hug her gently nuzzling his head on her chest...

Y/n  didn't say anything and close her eyes sleeping when she feel his lips on her cheeks...

"Kiss me goodnight" he asked in baby voice



He again peck her cheeks


"Fuck you for being cute"

She kiss his forehead... He giggle

"You again curse~~~"

"Yeah I did" she scoff and covered her face by burrying her head on his neck...

Taehyung again giggle and finally close his eyes sleeping....

To be continued........

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