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Serena Irwin

Since I was little, getting my license was one of my many dreams. The idea of being to drive anywhere I want made me so excited, so much freedom and independence at the tip of my fingers, yet the whole thing felt so far away.

I wish I could tell that little girl that not only do we have our license now, but we also have our own car.

Growing up I had a fear of not being able to make it. I was always different than my siblings and my parents.

Well, I made it. At least so far I've hit all the markers, albeit doing it a little differently than the rest of my family.

Speaking of family, I pulled into the driveway of my house. I had a few days off of classes before my school let off for spring break and I made the decision to make the drive and come see my family.

After checking my lip gloss in the rear view mirror, I exited the car and got my bag from the back, walking up the pathway to the front door.

After a few years living in a dorm, getting back to a big house like this is weird to say the least.

My mum opened, her jaw falling when she saw me, "Serena? Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

I gave her a hug, feeling her squeeze me tightly, "Why didn't you call?"

"Thought I'd surprise you."

She rested a hand on my cheek, "Well consider me surprised. Come in,"

We walked inside together, "Your father and Ashton are at the hospital, Lauren's out with some friends but Harry's upstairs if you want to go say hi. I'll make us some tea in the meantime."

I headed upstairs, finding Harry's room. He was hunched over his desk, his nose buried in a book. I knocked against the frame of the door, "Hello substantially less cooler sibling."

His back was to me but I watched as he slowly lifted his head, turning in his chair, "Serena?"

I walked up to him, running my hands through his hair, "Whatcha doing?"

"Organic chemistry. Pre-med is kicking my ass."

I looked at his textbook, not managing to decipher literally anything written on it, "I can't help much, last time I did chemistry I was in high school."

Harry stood up, leaning in for a hug. I reciprocated and felt him tuck his head in my neck, "It really is kicking my ass, Rena"

I continued holding him in my arms, knowing how he felt. I tried the whole medicine thing and it was awful, in fact I can't understand how the rest of my family does it.

"You don't have to be a doctor, Harry."

He let go, sitting onto his bed, "No, I love it. It's just really hard."

I sat beside him, taking his hand into my own. He rested his head on my shoulder, "Tell me about you. You're still happy with English?"

"It's the best," I teased, "not that I'm biased or anything."

"I thought mum was joking!"

Lauren ran into the room, jumping onto bed with Harry and I, "It's so great to see you."

The three of us headed for tea and we all had a nice chat with mum. After an hour or so, I heard the front door open and soon after it closed.

"Mum!" yelled Ashton, "Dad got pulled into surgery."

He walked into the kitchen, not even noticing I was there, "What a day I had, the ER was packed."

My mum chuckled, "Get your head out of the clouds, Ash."

"What?" he asked confused, he turned to say hi to Lauren and Harry and came face to face with me instead.

"No fucking way," he exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd come and visit."

"Did I hear Serena?"

Now it was my turn to be surprised, "Luke?"

He jogged into the kitchen, pushing Ashton out of the way and giving a tight hug. I pushed him away after a while, making a disgusted face, "You both smell like hospital."

"Still hate medicine?" said Luke, a smirk in his face.

"And everything that comes with it," I said back, "Where's the rest of your little gang? You four are pack animals."

"Calum has his nice nine to five job and Michael is in surgery with dad," said Ashton.

"Nine to five? He went for dentistry?"

"Yeah," said Luke, "So you can hate him the most."

I rolled my eyes, hopping off the barstool, "Tell them I'm here, I wanna see them before I go back."

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