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Serena Irwin

The next morning, I went around town and met up with a few older friends from high school, which led me to discover a party happening later on tonight.

"Hey Harry," I said, pressing my phone in between my shoulder and my head whilst I got a few shopping bags into my car, "You busy tonight?"

As expected, he gave the typical, nerdy, pre-med response.

"Oh fuck studying! It's a Saturday night and you need to destress. How about a party?"

To my surprise he gave in rathe quickly, agreeing to be ready at nine and we'd head out together. Once I hung up, I got into my car and drove to a small restaurant close to the hospital ere my brother and his friends worked at.

My dad pulled a few strings and got them all a few hours off so we could spend some together. I guess having a family member as the chief of surgery has its perks.

"Well if it isn't Serena Irwin in the flesh!" said Calum as I entered the restaurant, finding them all surrounding a table, dressed in their scrubs.

"Sure is, but hug me so you can confirm it," I winked. He immediately stood up and pulled me into a tight hug, "I've missed you, Rena."

"Me too," I said, a smile playing at my lips.

I loved all the guys, but Calum was a second brother to me. He was always at the house growing up and even now that I'm older, he still has a special way of calming me down when things get tough. It isn't the first time I've called him from school whilst absolutely losing my shit.

Calum sat back down and I turned to Michael. I know it's stupid and cliché, but I've always had a crush on him. It was innocent, I was young and he was this cool guy with tattoos and red hair. He looks more mature now, but I like it.

"Serena, you've...grown up," he said with a chuckle.

"Blonde suits you."

He looked a little confused but I watched him run a hand through his finger when he realized, "Uh yeah, thank you."

We both stared at each other a little awkwardly, smiles on our faces.

"Well are you gonna sit down or what?" interjected Luke.

I pulled out the chair between Calum and my brother, leaning over and grabbing a breadstick.

"Tell us about your college adventures, Rena."

I updated them on school and all the fun I was having, making sure to omit a few details so Ashton doesn't have a heart attack. I asked them about their first year working in a hospital. Hearing them nerd out about their job was cute. I hope one day I'll love the thing I do as much as they do.

Calum leaned over and tapped my nose, "You have an appointment."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you haven't been in the past two years, so I booked you one."

I scoffed, "How do you know I haven't been?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, a cocky smile on his face, "Because it scares you."

He was right, but I found the whole thing humiliating so I did my best to brush him off, "I'm twenty years old, Cal. I can handle a dentist appointment."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow at eleven."


Ashton jumped in, "You're going, Serena. End of story."

I knew there was no way of getting out of it and although I've known Calum basically my entire life and he knows how to destress me, he's never seen me in that kind of environment before. Maybe I'll surprise myself and be a little more okay with the idea considering its him.

"Don't get all quiet now, Rena. Any plans for your visit?" asked Michael.

"There's a party tonight and I'm going with a few of my old friends from high school."

Calum wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me in and resting his head on my chest, almost making me fall off my chair.

"So not only am I gonna have to deal with scared Serena, but I also need to handle hungover Serena too?"

I untangled myself from his arms, pushing him off me, "Consequence for booking me an appointment without asking," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Eventually our food arrived and we continued to chat as we ate. Every now and then, Michael and I would catch each other staring for a little before we'd both quickly look away.

I thought that after all these years my crush would have dissipated a little, but when I saw him again, I proved myself wrong.

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