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Femininity is power. Femininty is womankind. Femininity is a graceful step and a delicate hand, a soothing spirit and an aura filled with pink! If you are a woman, created with curiosity and an urge to nurture, you are feminine, and what a power it is! We in and of ourselves are not powerful, but we have thousands of adapted tools that we can use either to build up or tear down. 

You are full of color and emotion, a cloud of blue, green and purple eminating from your heart. If you realize what a blessing it is to be a girl, your confidence takes the form of angel wings that shroud you from the discusted frowns of busy-bodies. What deep blue ocean can fathom the whirl-pools of feminine emotion, or the dependable waves of mystery that lap upon the woman's shore? 

Femininity is as enthalling as a long lost jewel mine, and as capturing as living sea weed. We stare up at it as it takes the form of clouds and sales across the sky of humanity, making us feel small, yet big at the same time. It flows like the wind through our fingers and hair, often catching us off guard as it wips our dresses around our bare legs. Sometimes it comes raging and spinning like a tornado, destroying all in it's path. (The only difference is we direct it.) But every once in a while it comes gentle and smooth, cooling us down. 

Femininity is a strange force that has the biggest say in what happens in the world (besides God's omnipotent hand). It has gone from capturing kings in it's seducing  trap, causing kingdoms to fall, to urging us women to pick a tiny flower, or squeal over cold water lapping at our feet. If all the girls in the world only knew what sat at their fingertips, there would be no forced marriges, no female trafficking, and no sexual harrasment left unpunished.

I know that is a strong statement, but if we all took what God gave us into our fists, and came at evil with a vengance no other creature has, womankind would unite and swipe away the thorns in our sides. If we lived for eachother, all of humanity for that matter, what would life be like? Just imagine it! If there was a movement of determined beings filled with pure femininity, striving for each and every living thing to be honored and taken care of...what would life be like?

Why are girls waisting their time on rioting about their right to wear pants, when they could use the beautiful, loving, compassionate side of their femininity to turn the hearts of the oppressors to the oppressed? Why are they silencing their consciences as they try to win equality with their delicate fists, when all along they can use the power in their hearts and the openness of their minds to gentle the wildness of society? 

True femininity must not be covered up. It's true form is tantilizing and enchanting, full of motherly instincts and a desire to be free-spirited. It bats it's eyelashes intensly when yelled at, but it does not hit back. Instead, femininity sits silently in her cloak of confidence and humility, waiting for her persecuters to quiet down as she returns back to her buisness of living inspired, and working for other's benefit, unfazed and unscarred.

We must not cover her up, with pride and lust, resentment and trying to numb our pain. You cannot fly free as a bird if you are weighed down with stress and worry, envy and irresponsibility. Instead of harboring inside you exuses, and vices, dirty secrets, and deadly addicitons... let go! Easier said than done, I know, but you must let it go and give your burdens to the only One who can truly get rid of it. God cares about your life, your feelings, and your femininity. He has called you to be a woman, a most honoring and important role. His heart breaks as He sees His daughters struggling under the weight of their lies and their false hopes, when He made them to soar.

 Break free from expectations, break free from regret. Surrender to the Mighty One who can crush your chains if only you will let Him. Then, and only then, can you expect to have a genuine life, an unclouded look into your femininity, and an every-day inspired story. Masking your identity will only cloud those clear, shimmering eyes that every female posseses. Stop looking at yourself, your choices, your past, and moping! Wipe off that makeup, go barefoot, make yourself laugh, treat your loved ones to a homemade favorite, sing loud (the more off key the better!), put on a girly dress, and tap back into a creative endevor that you haven't tried in years.

Be proud of who you were made to be, learn to care about other people, feel the wind against your hair, and embrace femininity. Why not? She won't bite!

 Why not? She won't bite!

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