Chapter 3: The Triangle of Love pt. 1 |Kristy x Stacey x Jessi|

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Kristy's POV

Hi there. Kristy Thomas, President and Founder of the Babysitter's Club here. I'm just gonna get this off my chest and not beat around the bush, I'm in love with Stacey McGill, the Treasurer of The BSC. I've had a soft spot for her over the year that I've known her. I'm sure everyone knows about us even if we're not official. The way we hang out, the real reason why we go to each other's houses to "Study", we even finish each other's sentences. We're just so in sync, I would be surprised if we have feelings for each other, but as I say that, after finding out that Junior Member, Jessi Ramsey had feelings for me, it flipped my feelings upside down. This is the story of how I ended up in a Love Triangle.


One Saturday afternoon, Claudia, Mary-Anne, Dawn, Jessi, and Mallory had a plan to get me and Stacey together. They planned a date for us outside. Of course, neither of us knew this was happening because we were both together in a business meeting with clients with a potential opportunity for the BSC, but since everyone else was "Busy" we couldn't get the deal. So, we headed to my house to watch Criminal Minds aka our show. Then, I got a message from Mallory saying to meet up at the park with the big oak tree. So Stacey and I headed to the park and when we got there, it was decorated with lights and a table and someone managed to get a velvet rope.

Stacey: (Chuckles) What's all this?

Jessi: (Enthusiastically) Welcome to the...uh... Oak Tree... Sunset... Cafe. The Oak Tree Sunset Cafe! I'm Jessi and I'll be your waitress for the evening. How many people?

Kristy: Well, since there's only one table and two chairs, I guess a table for two, please.

Jessi: Very Well. Let's get you seated.

That's when I realized that this was a date that they set up to get me and Stacey together. Well played guys well played indeed. Jessi sat us down at the table and gave us menus. There were only two things on it, Spaghetti and Sparkling Apple Cider, but I guess it's the thought that counts. As we "looked through our menus" the Musical stylings of Mary-Anne, Mallory, Claudia, and Dawn. Mary-Anne played her Violin, Mallory played her Flute, Dawn played her Mandolin, something that I didn't even know she had or played, and Claudia played Maracas...because I'm guessing that it was the only instrument that she could that didn't require her to be musically inclined.

Dawn: Ladies and Gentlewomen. We are Lovely Magic. For our first song, we will play a song that my Tìo Bruno taught me. It's called Arrivederci Roma. Thank you in advance for listening.

As Lovely Magic played their music, the sun had gone down and it was dark until Claudia stepped on a pedal, turning on her custom-made jar lanterns and the area was beautifully lit.

Kristy: They sure did think of everything.

Stacey: You can say that again. I mean the lights, the music. Heck, even the red velvet rope. And the best part about this evening is that I get to spend it with you.

Now I must admit, I do like Stacey. Like a lot, but now, something just feels off. Like something or someone is missing and my heart wants feelings for who or whatever it is that's missing.

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