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Chapter 7

I feel uneasy as I look around.
"What's wrong?" Both of the angels asked and I turn to see them.
"Nothing umm...what are your names?" I asked sheepishly towards the end.

"I'm Jungkook, Arch Angel of Protection" Jungkook introduced himself.
Jungkook has black hair that parted by side and it covers his eyebrows, he has bunny like features, his soft brown eyes has display of concern.

"I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin, I'm the Arch Angel of Peace " Jin introduced himself.
Jin has fluffy black hair that's parted in the middle, he has soft yet defined features and he has dark brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you two but seriously why where you two following me?" I asked suspiciously.
"Well.....We need to gather some information about these humans who are called Hunters and you know the ways of humans" Jin stated.

I faked a hurt expression.
"I feel so used" I said in a fake hurt tone.
"Oh, no Miss (Y/N), we didn't mean to hurt you but-" Jin stopped as he felt a very dark aura.

The three of you suddenly became very aware of your surrounding.
"Jungkook, Jin? Can you two keep the humans safe?" I asked as I looked at them.
"But Miss Demon, we can help too, you know?" Jungkook replied.
"Minster Arch Angel, you're helping me by protecting these humans" I replied before I ran off as fast as I can.

I need to stop the demon from coming into the village.
As soon as I left the village, I looked back to see the Arch Angels.

I raised a brow at them.
Before I could say anything they both raised their hands and before me was a golden Mark of Trinity.
It stayed visible to me for a while before spreading out and forming a shield.

I smiled knowingly at them before I spreaded my wings and flew off.
As I flew while looking at the earth below, I finally stop the group of demons.
I freeze for a few moments when I realised that I am not dealing with normal demons but I'm dealing with the arch demons.

One of them look up at me with a smirk before he sprang up, letting his beautiful black wings feel the air.
"AHH, it's the famous Arch Demon, (Y/N)" the demon said with a sicking smile.
"Listen, leave now or you'll have to deal with me" I stated in a strong stern voice.

The demon raised a brow.
"Since when do you care about humans?" He asked.
"Since recently" I replied.
The demon sighed heavily.
"So the rumours were true, one of our strongest Arch Demons are gone rogue and I should have known that village is protected by the Seven Orders" He stated .
"Huh?" I said in confusion.
"Guess it can't be helped" He stated before he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me down.

Pain surged through my back, I hardly gritted my teeth to not scream.
The grasp around my throat tighten as the seconds went, the dust flying around barely cleared and I could not see the demons face, only the brown dirt.
I started to cough as I started to lose oxygen.

However this was not how I planned to go down.
With all I had, I lifted up my hand and tore the skin around his chest with my claws

His grip from my throat was released as he screamed from the pain.
I coughed a little as I started to breathe once more.
He snarled at me.
"You're gonna pay for that!" He stated with gritted teeth.

I stood up and simply smirked at him.
I saw the anger burn in his eyes.
Then I drew my sword as his claws threateningly came out.

"You think a sword is gonna kill me (Y/N)? I never thought that you're so foolish!" The demon asked with a cocky grin.
"Well, it's worth a try" I replied with a defence stance.


The demon sprung forward toward me, I blocked his attack with a my sword as my feet stayed glued to the ground.
I pushed him back and his arms went to sides which made a perfect opening for me to stab him.

I drew my sword and made a rip on his stomach.
Blood started to ooze out of the wound.
Once more he let out a snarl and I was been a little too cocky which made me let down my guard which was my mistake.

His claws ripped through my clothes and my skin.
I let out a small yelp as once more he managed to claw me.
My bleed leaked out from my ripped dress, staining the rest of it. It was ten that I realized that these claw marks maybe fatal.

I took a few steps back before I managed to get back my defense position.
Pain was surging through my body, telling me to give up.

"Give up (Y/N), make this easier for me!" The demon stated.
"Never!" I stated with bitterness as I brought down my sword a little as attacked him, using my little strength.

I aimed for his abdomen and the blade of my sword went through his skin as if it was meat.

He coughed our some blood but smiled sadistically at me.
"It will take more then a deep stab wound to kill me" the demon said.
"I know but this will" I stated.

I forcefully moved up the blade from his abdomen, he screamed in agony as the blade slowly started to tear him apart, blood started to spill everywhere but I really don't care as long as he gets his death slowly and painfully.

Soon the blade from freed from his body, the demon's corpse fell to the ground, half ripped apart.

My legs finally gave up and my body hit the ground, my vision became a bit blurry before all I saw was darkness.

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