Chapter 5

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(Spring 1899)
POV Albus
We have made plans to find all the deathly hallows, if everything goes according to plan we have them all before the end off this year. It will all be for the greater good. My lover and I will be then the masters of death. We had hoped to be the masters of death by now and take over the muggle world, but we have mainly been focusing on our baby in the magic womb. I'm very surprised that it hasn't died, but my hopes are still not very high, because 2 times there were actually babies born with this method. But unfortunately they were born dead.

One time the glowing veins on the ball were darkening and it was getting smaller, we thought that the fetus had died. Just before we saw that happening we were just laying in our bed, we were cuddling and almost asleep when we noticed the room got darker. Which could only mean one thing that the wombball was darkening, because we didn't have another light source at that time.

We jumped out of bed and lighted a candle. We saw the ball shrinking. We were devastated, although we were expecting it, because no one had done this spell successful.

Gellert was even more emotional because of it, he fell into my arms and just cried. I tried to calm him down, we sat down onto the bed and stroked his beautiful blond hair. And said:

"We shouldn't give up, maybe it will work out. And if not we will just try again, and then I'm sure it will work out, we are almost the most powerful wizards in the world."

He stopped crying, but I felt he didn't calm down fully.

He asked, "Can we lay down and cuddle."

So we did that, he fell very fast asleep while clamping onto me. When he was asleep I finally could try to get some sleep.

POV Gellert

When I woke up Albus wasn't laying next to me anymore, I saw him sitting before the ball. I was scared the ball wasn't there anymore, but when I was about to give Albus a hug from behind. I saw the ball was almost twice the size what it was yesterday before it had shrunk. I was so happy, the tears were rolling over my cheeks. I hugged him very tightly, because of the relief. I was so attached to the baby, although I haven't even seen them. I would have guessed that I would be so attached to it, because we knew there was almost no chance that it would work out.

Albus was as excited as me. I almost yelled out of excitement,

"Why didn't you wake me up when you saw it."

-"I thought you needed the rest, because you were so devastated yesterday."

I kissed him, when he was trying to say something, but it probably wasn't that important we just wanted to let our excitement out.

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