Chapter 20

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Enrick wasn't sure what he felt. Confusion? Awkward amusement? They couldn't seriously think he'd believe that the sun god's monster son himself was lying in front of him wrapped in a blanket in such an ungainly manner. No, this was some kind of joke. What mystified him most however was how realistic the flesh looked. He gave an awkward laugh.

"Hah, ok but what is it really?"

The person looked at Enrick as if he had asked a stupid question, assuming he was joking or maybe he had misheard.


Enrick looked at them weirdly from under his mask.


"Yes, Sherizawa,"

"Kyrthon the sun god's snake son Sherizawa the immortal monster Sherizawa?"

"Oh, you have heard of him,"

Enrick let out a laugh, looking at the giant headless beast before looking back at the person.

"No no, you're joking right? You... Sherizawa isn't killable, not by normal humans anyways,"

The person looked at Enrick, raising an eyebrow.

"Well we did. After the ritual Aldrion won't be human anymore so it won't be an issue then,"

"The ritual?"

"Yeah, the one we're going to do on the hill I told you about. C'mon you know this, once

Aldrion bathes in the blood of a god for a few days he'll emerge one of their own."

Enrick's eyebrows narrowed in confusion, what the hell was he listening too? Is that really what the person had been going on about for that time he had blanked out? What else had he missed?

It was then he came to the conclusion these people were nuts. Why did Aldrion even bring him to a place like this? A strange warehouse with weird people in cloaks and a badly covered dead body in the middle of the room. He shouldn't have come in the first place.

"Oh hah, cool. Hey uh, I think I need some fresh air, it was nice to meet you though," He lied through his teeth, pretending to be grateful as he gave the person a friendly handshake before turning to leave. The person raised an eyebrow at his intent to leave but returned the handshake.

"Uh, no problem. The offer still stands by the way, we'll all be meeting in the spot I mentioned in a couple of days if you wanted to join us, we'd love to have you,"

Enrick gave a nod before he left. Wriggling past anyone that stood in his way to exit the warehouse. He didn't want to be in here any longer. The social situation had already taken him out of his comfort zone let alone dealing with kooks as these, he'd need time to recharge before he would be able to do anything as strange again.

He inhale in relief when he got to the outside. He was glad he had managed to get out without too much trouble and took a moment, looking behind him at the people chatting in their groups inside along with the giant covered body of the... of the... uh...

Enrick began to walk away, his eyes focused on the ground in front of him as his feet padded against the street. He wasn't really sure what to think about the situation. He was still in denial about what had really been in front of him. What he had seen when he laid eyes upon what was supposedly left of the legendary snake.

That wasn't really... Sherizawa... was it? He wanted to pass it off as a hoax, it couldn't possibly be real I mean, Sherizawa is supposed to be immortal...

Enrick for a moment he could feel a slow feeling of dread creeping through his body. No... it couldn't be... right?

His legs felt weak and he fell onto his knees into a sitting position, back hunched over. He wasn't sure what to feel but... what if that really was him?... The creature that he'd been so interested in, whose models and lore had always caught his eye whenever he had entered the sacred temple. Tears began to roll down his cheeks and his hands began to shake, his breath trembled as it left his lungs.

What had Aldrion done.

He let out a weak cry and put his head in his hands. It was so preventable. He was right there as they stood in their little crowd, about to go out on their venture. He could have... he could have stopped them. Surely Aldrion would have listened to him?

Sherizawa, son of Kyrthon the sun god. Based on the myths surrounding his creation, Kyrthon was displeased with the fact his son had come out a monster from birth and disregarded him, so if what happened had happened supposedly his own father would take no interest in coming after those responsible in revenge. Sherizawa was said to hold thousands of years of wisdom, and apparently if one was willing and acted in the correct manner, they too could unlock secrets of the world they could have never hoped to find out otherwise. All those things you could never even imagine knowing... and now it was gone.

Enrick clenched his gloved fists, another cry escaping his lungs. This one longer and louder, almost a scream of rage. He couldn't believe this, he had been so naïve. How could he possibly think trusting Aldrion was a good idea in the first place? Sherizawa was dead and it was all his own fault all because a stupid ritual to benefit him. No one in the lore was suggested to very close to Sherizawa, or at least those who were would be unlikely to find out very easily and if they did they wouldn't care enough to do something. It wasn't fair... It wasn't fair...

He got to his feet and began to walk after taking a breath. His steps sounded heavier as he walked, his fists shivering by his side. This wasn't fair. As he couldn't see anyone else taking on the responsibility he knew it was his to do. He couldn't let this slide. Enrick's footsteps increased in frequency as he sped up his pace. The sooner he got this taken care of the better. The smiling face of Aldrion that recently brought a strange warmth now summoned anger. How could he?

On his way Enrick noticed a furry face watching him from the shadows hopefully, but seemingly keeping his distance because of the air Enrick was giving off. If the circumstances had been different he would have gone over and greeted the hound he had become familiar with, and it did make him feel a little guilty the dog seemed to be afraid of him at the moment but there was something he knew he had to do. The sight reminded him he was acting on impulsive desires but this was something he had to do. Aldrion didn't deserve to get away with this.

Eventually he got to his destination, the temple.

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