Chapter 21

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He hopped up the stairs before walking in. Looking around it almost felt as if the statues were boring holes into his soul with their scorched stone and crystal eyes. The temple itself was still partially charred, some items had been removed due to assumedly being destroyed in the previous flames. It was obvious they were still trying to rebuild the interior of the holy structure. It hurt his heart to see the damage his sister had caused but that wasn't the reason he was here right now. He was here to do what needed to be done.

When he had gone in far enough a figure stepped out of the shadows. As they stepped closer pale robes came into view. The priest that had appeared looked at him, their eyes glinting in the dim light.

"It's late, what exactly do you seek by being here at this hour stranger?"

Their voice was both calming and firm, almost as if a warning that he better give a good reason for disturbing them that late. Enrick swallowed before speaking up.

"I-I have important information."

As he explained what Aldrion and his followers had been up to the person looked at him with confusion and then scepticism, raising an eyebrow that slowly lowered into a slightly frown as he continued on. Once he had finished the priest looked at him for a moment to make sure he was finished before taking a breath and beginning to speak.

"Hm... you seem to be making quite serious accusations. Are you certain of what you speak? I'm afraid I must ask you for evidence."

Enrick paused, before slowly mentioning the location of the body and what they planned to do later on. Telling them about the hill they intended to meet on in a couple days' time.

The priest thought for a moment before humming slightly.

"This is very important information if it holds true... Ok then, we'll look into it if you are so sure of yourself. Thank you for your cooperation... sir,"

The sides of their lips turned up in a sickly sweet smile.

"It's Enrick."

The person's eyes widened slightly, they seemed surprised at his name. Enrick supposed they hadn't realized they were talking to the village doctor, not that it really mattered. Having done what he came to do he wanted to leave. He could begin to feel the eyes of not just the statues but also what he assumed were other priests watching him from the darkness out of sight and it was beginning to send chills down his back.

Enrick left the temple and began to walk back to his house. Surely he should feel good after doing the right thing... right? Aldrion was in the clearly in the wrong and needed to be told what was wrong and right. He needed this lesson. What he did was... disgusting and... not right... so surely Enrick did the right thing? It didn't matter who he was... what he had done was unacceptable.

When he got home he went straight back into the cellar instead of heading to his room. He tried to concentrate on what he had been doing but to no avail, images from earlier that night just kept creeping into his mind. He couldn't do this, not right now, no matter how hard he wanted to. He slunk upstairs and into his room and lay on his neglected bed. A feeling of hurt stabbed him in the chest and he felt sick to his stomach, he was so tired of everything. He could feel salty water dripping from his eyes once more. This wasn't fair... This was so unfair. Did he do it just to spite him? Maybe that's why had the following in the first place, just him gathering up a bunch of people who hated him and wanted him to suffer. Enrick whimpered softly into the pillow he held. He was too sleep deprived to deal with this rationally. He could have thought it through gently and logically to try and rationalize Aldrion's actions, perhaps realizing the people following him most likely didn't even remember him in the first place but he just wasn't in the mood, his head hurt. And it was just currently easier for him to deal with it in that way.

A gentle hand was softly lowered onto his shoulder.


He dug his face deeper into the pillow, not wanting to interact with anyone at that moment.

"Did something happen? What happened with Aldrion? Did he do something to you?"

Enrick stayed buried for a while longer before realizing she wasn't leaving and took his face out, turning it away from his sister.

"Enrick, it's ok. Come here,"

Mag's voice was comforting as she gently pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back as he held onto her sobbing.

"I'm so tired,"

"There there, you can tell me all about it. If you want to that is, take your time,"

Enrick stayed quiet for a bit, just enjoying the warmth from his sister before he calmed down enough to speak.

"Aldrion and his friends... killed Sherizawa..."

Mags went quiet.

"... I can't believe he'd do something like this Mags, just when I thought we were getting along he goes and pulls shit like this... it''s not fair..."

Enrick could feel his eyelids drooping. Mags, feeling him going limp in her arms laid him down back in his bed. It didn't feel good to see her brother in this way but at least he was getting some rest. After a moment of sitting with him, rubbing his arm comfortingly she stood up and began to make her way out.

Mags sighed and leant against the wall nearby when she got out of the room. She hadn't brought it up for obvious reasons but she felt a twinge of guilt at how he felt, after all, she had been in the group that went to hunt down the mythic beast. She just hoped Enrick wouldn't hold too much of a grudge... not yet at least, it seemed he needed time to recover from Aldrion, it would be unfair to dump that on him too.

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