Ch. 6

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Hello, readers! I want to announce that on April 25, 2022, i published the first chapter of a brand new book, called Monarch. I hope you take the time to check the book out and vote! Now, continuing....


As Y/n and Muichiro walked to Haganezuka's shop, they talked about missions. Well, rather, Y/n talked about missions while Muichiro stayed quiet and listened to her talk. Finally, when you neared Haganezuka's shop, he grabbed the sleeve of your haori and stopped you in your tracks. "Stop talking. You're too loud." He hissed. A tick mark appeared on Y/n's forehead as she struggled to contain her anger. "Do you want a fight, Tokitou?" She threatened. "No, I'm just telling you to shut up." He nonchalantly responded. 

Other nearby demon slayers and kakushis from lower ranks noticed the two pillars arguing and stopped walking to see what triggered the dream pillar this time. They saw the Dream Pillar raising and shaking her fist in the Mist Pillar's face, shouting inaudible threats, while the Mist Pillar stared at her, apparently both surprised and annoyed at how angry Y/n was.

Y/n let out a huff, before walking ahead and continuing towards Haganezuka's shop. At the shop, Haganezuka could be found inside sharpening or forging blades. "Haganezuka." Y/n called out, "I have a favor to ask you..."

~Time Skip~

"You want me to weaponize a fan!?" Haganezuka shouted, both offended and flattered that Y/n thought his sword making skills extended to that level. "Yes, did you not hear me?" Y/n sweatdropped.

By now, Haganezuka was on the point of bursting with annoyance. How dare this little girl who was like, what, 14, maybe 15, barge into his shop and demand that he weaponize her fans? Steam emitted from his ears and Y/n kept talking just to annoy him at this point.

He huffed and stuck his hand out, asking to see the fans. Y/n triumphantly smiled and took them out of her pocket, handing them to the angry swordsmith. He looked at them through his mask and folded and unfolded them to check their condition.

He grumbled to Y/n and said, "Fine. Expect them to be ready in the next 12 hours." Y/n smiled again and said, "Thank you, old man! I'll return in said time." He glared at her under his mask but she had already walked off, returning to the butterfly estate.

Returning from the swordsmiths village with Muichiro, Muichiro's crow, Ginko, flew in circles around them and cawed, "Caw! Pillar meeting in one hour! Caw! Caw!" Ginko abruptly stopped flying in circles and landed on Muichiro's shoulder, and started pecking him on the head, as if trying to imply that he wouldn't forget. Muichiro patted Ginko and Ginko cawed happily at the act of affection from her master. Out of the blue, Ginko snapped her little crow head towards Y/n and glared with all she could.

Y/n looked confused at first but upon realizing the rudeness emitting from the sassy crow, she glared back and stuck her tongue out at the crow. Muichiro, also confused by the actions of both females, just deadpanned at the sight of the strange mental argument between the crow and his fellow pillar.

 'Are they okay? Have they caught a sickness?' he wondered.

Y/n grumbled "Damn crow...the audacity of this-" Y/n paused and caught herself, realizing she was insulting a crow, "Fufufu~! Silly me! Why am i so caught on angering a crow? Ridiculous!" She teased with a smirk.

Tick marks "appeared" on Ginko's crow face and Ginko cawed again and flew off to who knows where.

Y/n's smile quickly faded, with a unimpressed frown replacing it. She sighed and walked off, again, leaving the Mist Pillar behind for a minute, confused, before he snapped out of a strange daze and sprinted after her. Realizing Muichiro was catching up to her, she began running faster to get ahead of him. Quite childish if you ask me.

"Why do you always walk off without people?" Muichiro asked. She smiled and kept running ahead. He silently groaned and followed after, catching up, until when they were side by side, she ran forward at full speed, causing Muichiro's eyes to widen. 'How is she so fast?' He wondered.

When they finally reached the headquarters, Y/n was nowhere to be seen. 'Where did she go?' The boy asked himself. He looked at a nearby clock and noted he had 35 minutes left until the pillar meeting. He was probably going to forget, but he reminded himself anyways. He took a seat and began watching the clouds.

As he was about to completely zone out, Y/n swung down from one of the tree branches and shouted "BOO!" right into Muichiro's face. He jumped but quickly regained his deadpanned composure. She sighed and back flipped off the tree branch. 'So she's agile as well...' Muichiro noted.

"So..." Y/n said, "Do you want to find the other pillars?" Muichiro shook his head and continued cloud-watching. Y/n smiled and walked away. 'Seriously?' Muichiro deadpanned. 'She has a thing for walking away on people, i guess.' Time passed quickly, so Muichiro was almost late for the pillar meeting. He got there right on time, and not a moment too late, because the next minute the Master had arrived.

 The meeting went as usual. The master caught them up on what was going on, how the Kamado boy and his sister where, bleh bleh bleh. At the end of the meeting, before Y/n left, the master called out to her in his calm voice, saying, "Y/n. i forgot to tell you. Your estate is ready. Near the forest near Tokitou-San's estate, the kakushi will lead you to the Dream Estate." Y/n's face lit up, as she thanked the master, saying, "Thank You, Master! I appreciate it!"

Meanwhile, Muichiro, who hadn't been listening to anything or anyone, was snapped out of his thoughts by Y/n dashing past him, causing his black-to-teal hair to blow in the breeze. "Eh, Tokitou-Sama! Guess what! We are going to be neighbors! Just like when-" Y/n enthusiastically started, "Ah, forgive me. I forgot you have no memory of that!" She corrected.

Muichiro just stared at the master blankly, though he was in slight disbelief. He made him be neighbors with her? The crazy girl? "Master, forgive me if this is rude, but why did you make me neighbors with her? She's annoying. As far as i'm concerned, she's going to dump a bucket of ice cold water on me tomorrow morning." He asked Master Kagaya. The master smiled softly and said, "I think you'll see she's more helpful then you think."

Y/n looked at Muichiro and grinned evilly. "Thank you for the idea of how to wake you up tomorrow, Tokitou-Sama! This will be so fun~!" She sadistically whispered in his ear. He looked at her as if she was insane (which she was) but she simply chuckled lightly and walked off.

'She's a maniac.' He deadpanned.


Hello, readers! I want to say thank you for reading this book, although this was my shortest chapter, and that i haven't updated as commonly. Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you have a good rest of your day/evening.




word count: 1204

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