We need a vacation

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Farrah? Farrah? A calm voice called to me as I laid there once again on the nurse table surrounded by loved ones. The same ones that were there the first time when all I really wanted was 4 other people. At least one of them was there now. And really don't tell Jack much of anything so that he doesn't worry too much since he has already work to do. A part of me knew that there was only one person that still called me that because there were 3 of us and I was called that when we were all together but anyone else minus Victoria called me Jade. Well Aro and clan but that didn't really count. Anyways as I began to stir I heard him ask me what my name was just to make sure I was ok. But then I whimpered and said I was Farrah Jade Swan as I groaned in pain. The first voice I knew to have been Charlie and as I cried out I felt a warm hand grab my relatively cold one. I knew then it belonged to Jordan since it wasn't a mildly warm hand. I knew then I didn't need to be afraid and I remembered where I was. The gentle squeeze of his hand as the emotional pain subsided. I knew that Charlie was most likely confused but the others were concerned.

When I came too I repeated myself Jade Farrah Mason Cullen. Twin sister of Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. Thata girl. I felt Jordan squeeze my hand again in reassurance. How are you feeling my aunt asked me. I'm ok. What did you see? Jessica's hand was on my back helping me sit up. Someone unfamiliar to me and as such I can't tell if he's a threat to me or to any of us. So in other words a panic response within your vision. I guess so. Where are my brother and sister? In class. Where they should be. Thankfully its the end of the day so its science where all the other Cullen's are minus Rose. Since she's at cheer. But other than that if he's panicking or worried he's at least surrounded by loved ones that understand. His mind is probably going a million miles a min. Probably more so than usual probably in the beginning when he was first turned all those voices gave him a headache and now he probably just ignores them. Except these are probably his own and its about you.

I feel so bad. Alice had a vision too but she never passes out like that. Hey it's ok. Everyone that's ever been new to you has always been a threat in the beginning. You got scared. Each vision you have had was a threat to you. Last time it happened to also be a dream and it was about going back to Aro. I think we should use those tickets Carlisle and Esme got you and take a Reincarnation squad plus girlfriends field trip to see your mom. It's what you both need right now. Bella gets to see her mom you get to see your mom her husband or boyfriend whatever will be away and being part wolf comes with its perks even with the mark off I still have the werewolf perks like transforming and laying under the sun and heat like the dog you all say I am. And I claim it instead of being offended. I mean that's what we are right? Big fluffy ears big furry tail big strong teeth we have the same likes and dislikes but we're 10Xs stronger. Above all just as loyal. And you don't have a choice. It won't take any of us but 2 mins to have each of us packed and ready to go. That's silly. I haven't rode on an airplane consciously one other time getting away from Aro and E.C. Two people I never wanna see again as long as I live.

But your mom is someone you do want to see. I bet Edward will have the chance to talk your sister into it. Are you talking me into it because I should go and because I want to go or because you want to go somewhere warm and sunny? No Jade don't be silly I am fine. I'm making the choice to want to be like the rest of you. This feels like getting cold feet a way to get out but they don't want us to be one of them. Also its not marriage. You're making a choice on who you want to be and who others want you to be listening to your heart instead of your head. Nah all of me says this is what I want. Consequences be damned. Caution completely and totally out of the wind. I am all in. Besides I can pretty much still everything I still do now even if or when that happens I already have Carlisle and Esme's blessing I am not losing my family again. The 4 of us we're a family. The big brother with the kid twin sister her boyfriend and the best friend. Otherwise known as me which I take full pride in. We're just adding a couple extra members. Once Jess and I can't be together because of wolf stuff she'll still be part of our little family just not with me and Bella will have Edward and you'll have Tori. We will still be our big happy family just again like I said with more people.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now