Chapter 1: Mavis Leon

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Mavis quickly walked into her first hour class, she was taking deep breathes, having just rushed into class after the infamous incident with Eryx

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Mavis quickly walked into her first hour class, she was taking deep breathes, having just rushed into class after the infamous incident with Eryx.

He was every bit as terrifying as she thought he would be. His eyes, which barely ever met the gaze of other people but was still chilling nevertheless, was even more chilling, pointed towards her. His glare was even more intense and it froze her in place, as his gaze traveled down her body for a split second, he was accessing his victim, it seemed like, while she was nervous, she was also strangely, turned on by his stare.

Eryx Mason was considered one of the finest boys at Baxter High, even though he was also one of the most terrifying boys at the school as well. Eryx Mason's cool blue eyes, his nice cheekbones, his pretty lips that she was tempted to bite on and his incredibly alluring tattoos that was strewn all across his tall, slender body. He was so fine yet so unapproachable. He never smiled, never laughed, only ever held a blank face or a sneer on his beautifully sculpted face, and Mavis often wondered what he would like with a smile, and his eyes alight with warmness, but she knew that, she would probably see that and it strangely made her sad but she shook it off, as she looked out the classroom's window.

She saw Eryx outside of the school, with a cigarette in his hand, and what appears to be a red bathroom slip in his hand

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She saw Eryx outside of the school, with a cigarette in his hand, and what appears to be a red bathroom slip in his hand. He was smoking and looking around at his surroundings, Eryx always snuck off for a five minute smoke break in the middle of first period, she wondered if the class just simply had nothing of importance to do in the first ten minutes, and she shook her head of that thought. What went on with Eryx was not her business.

But still, she wondered. Her curiosity always got the best of her, whether she liked it or not. She quickly turned away and focused on the teacher's lecture. She wrote down the notes that he had strewn across the board as she started, to  absentmindedly hum Central Cee's Obessed With You, the number one song stuck in her mind since hearing it for the time in a drill playlist on Spotify. Mavis quickly grabbed her pair of air-pods, putting them in her ear as she tuned out her teacher's lecture that was perfectly written down on the board.

When Maxis was caught up on the notes, she started to doodle something that to mind, she was letting her hands do their thing as she started to hum lowly to herself to the music she was playing. Mavis didn't notice that the teacher was trying to get her attention until she was tapped on the shoulder and she quickly turned down her music.

"Yes, Mr. Fender?" She asked him sheepishly, she hated being caught and called out in front of the class. She bit her lip.

"As I was saying Miss. Leon...." He started to ask her what he wanted her to answer, she quickly responded before turning her attention back to her current sketch. She hated that Mr. Fender seemed to get a kick out of embarrassing his student and it greatly irritated her but she was fortunate enough to already know the answer to the question he was asking.

When the class was finally over, Mavis quickly got up and adjusted her books in order before getting up and heading out of the classroom, she had a ten minute time period to do everything she needed to do before the next class. She had used the bathroom and took her pick out of her bags as she fixed up her little fro. Mavis prided herself on always keeping herself up. She didn't do for anyone else but herself.

She loved looking good for herself, never anyone else, she smiled into the mirror when she was done before grabbing her belongings and heading out of the bathroom and towards her second class, English. She went inside the class and sat in her usual spot, in the back of the class, so that she could spend the majority of the class, minding her business.

She continued her sketch, stuck in her own world, right until She saw someone else in the corner of her eye, taking the usually empty seat beside her. She looked up and her mouth dropped. That someone was Eryx, he placed his backpack down on the floor next to him as he glared, like usual to the teacher.

"Glad to see that you are finally joining us, Mr. Mason." The teacher called him out and Eryx rolled his eyes and continued to stare ahead.
"Can we just begin the lecture." Eryx snapped in a low but deep tone.

She could tell the teacher was tempted to say something else but they bit their lip and turned back to the board, getting started with the book assignment of the week. They were to read and write a cohesive essay on The Great Gatsby with a partner of the teacher's choosing.

She always loved the book when she picked it up from the library, freshman year. She remembered the majority of the book so she wasn't worried about it and she expected as per usual to do the majority of the work, while her partner just played on their phones.

"Alright. I have the lineup for the partners." The teacher, Mr. Davis started to read off their pairings, after a while, Mavis wondered why her name wasn't called yet, but she didn't say anything just waited.

He finally called her name but the person he paired her with, was a surprise for everyone in the classroom. "Mavis and.... Eryx." Her mouth trembled, just slightly as she turned towards Eryx for a split second.

She expected the usual glare on his face, but instead his face was passive, he seemed a bit more relaxed and more reserved and it made Mavis more curious but she bit her lip and turned back to the teacher.

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