Chapter 2: Enrollment

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Artist: 카제/@kazekaze030 on Twitter

A photo of Kinuko in her school uniform was on display, laced by ribbons, wreaths and candles around it. The air itself held a pressure no one in school's ever felt before.

Someone... died.

As you peered into the distance, everyone was paying their respects to Kinuko, whose body couldn't be shown due to her injuries. Some carried loops of Juzu [Buddhist prayer beads], others offered their condolences.

As for you? You were placed near the back of the funeral wake. Ever since you were found where her body was discovered, you'd been kept away from her.

Not that that was a bad thing; you wouldn't have been able to even look at her picture.

On top of all that, everyone kept their distance from you altogether. They fidgeted and gave you stares everywhere you went.

Even Higuchi and Kaname apologized for leaving you behind, mentioning that "something feels off" about you.
As you stood there at the corner of the hall, you looked back at everything that happened.

Everything... the museum trip, the murder, the stranger... Did it all happen in a day? You still had a hard time wrapping your head around it.

And you didn't shed a tear. Why? Kinuko was one of your closest friends; she still is.

Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet.

You're sure you'll cry once you pay your respects at her shrine.

You sighed, stretching your right hand. It's felt heavy since yesterday. Far too heavy for one limb. Maybe you were just tired.

You spent some time chewing on candy before being approached by a lady in black and green overalls. She had long, purplish hair, tied back with a puffy white ribbon.

"Excuse me..." she sat next to you, "are you Yoshimori [Y/N]?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's me."

"I'm sorry for your loss." The lady bowed.
"Thank you, but..." you tried to remember her, but couldn't. "Who are you?"

It was then that you noticed a large gash across her face. It took up a large patch of skin, and yet she seemed to be anything but intimidating.

"My name is Iori Utahime. I'm a Jujutsu sorcerer."

"Jujutsu sorcerer? Ah, like the one from yesterday? Todo... Aoi?" You interrupted, "I still don't know what it is you people do."

"Simply put, Jujutsu sorcerers are guardians."

"Guardians? From curses?"

"You catch on quickly! Yes, we exorcize curses as a profession; it's quite the task to undergo. We're stationed all across Japan, but we're not exactly famous."

"I see." You put a finger on your chin, "at least one of my questions has been answered now. But why did a curse appear there?"

"You're able to see them?"

"Until yesterday, I've only been able to vaguely sense their presence," you looked at your right hand. "But now they're all over the place."

Her eyes widened, "eh? That's weird. Regular people might be able to see curses in a near-death situation, but... you can still see them right now?"
You nodded.

"I see. Look..." Iori shook her head, "forgive me for asking this of you, especially after the loss of a friend, but would you like to enroll in Kyoto Jujutsu High School?"

"Jujutsu... high school?"

"There's a school in Kyoto that educates future Jujutsu sorcerers not unlike Todo. I'm afraid there aren't many people that could see curses at all, so anyone that can is a valuable asset."

Your mind raced. Going to a shady school that teaches sorcery? The day after your friend died in a gruesome manner? Without your parents knowing?

But at the same time, you'd want to be able to defend yourself or others against these curses...

"I should probably talk to my parents about it."

"Eh? Parents, huh?"


She didn't consider that you have parents!?

"I guess I should've thought of that." She grinned awkwardly, "can you write them a letter?"

"That doesn't make up for it..."

Iori chuckled and sighed, "listen. Talent or not, the students make their decisions. In the end, I can't force you to join-that would be against the law, but more importantly..."

"Jujutsu sorcery is a dangerous job. Most students can't handle what's required of them. Some back out, and others turn into curse users."

"What's the difference between curse users and Jujutsu sorcerers?"

"Curse users use their abilities for their own desires and aspirations," she frowned, "rogues, so to speak."


Not wanting to sour the mood any further, you took some time to quietly think.

If you entered the world of sorcery, you could already tell what hell lies ahead of you. Few friends, distanced from the outside world, having to risk your life fighting monsters...

If you stay, you'll be just as you are right now. Friends, parents, school, everyday life; it'll all still be there.

Except Kinuko. You won't get closure on her death. You'll have to accept that "she died tragically," that she was just unlucky. And if your encounter with a curse is any indication, it's not just her.

Brushing off someone's death as nothing but a coincidence? Putting up with the guilt by ignoring it? It's a cycle of compromise.

That's no way to mourn a loved one.
"I've decided." You turned to Iori. "I want to enroll in Jujutsu High School."
She gleamed, "wonderful. Though, what made you choose?"

"My friend who passed away... she was about to move somewhere better with her parents. I think they were chastised for having her at a young age, so when I heard they could finally move away, I was... happy for her."

You saw her grabbing a tissue and honking her nose into it. Was it that touching?

"I guess I just wanna honor her, in a way."

You wonder what kind of school this Jujutsu High place is, but you won't get your hopes too high.

"Such a gentleman... unlike that Gojo."

"Gojo? Who's that?"

"You'll meet him soon enough." Iori huffed, "though there is one more thing I'm wondering about you."


"... Nevermind."

She got up and patted your back. "When you're ready, pack your things and come to the Gojou station tomorrow morning. We'll depart for Kyoto Jujutsu high from there."

"Alright, but... you're angry at a station?"

"What? No. I meant the Gojou subway station; Gojo is another person entirely!"

"Well, if you say so." You mumbled as Iori walked outside.

Truth be told, you still didn't get it.

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