Chapter Fourteen

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Edward felt like death. A constant headache pounded in his skull and his body was too shaky and achy to even properly support his weight. His parents came to visit daily, but they had nothing to say to him. It was always tense and uncomfortable and more times than not his attempts at conversation ended in his father storming out angrily.

Usually after those encounters Appa pulled the shutters closed and told Edward to get some rest. Edward was beginning to think that the old man enjoyed locking him up in the dark. After all, he doubted if all of this sleep could really be helping anything; he barely ever felt better after his frequent naps.

It was after one of these naps that Appa entered with a tray of food and a letter.

"What is that?" Edward asked, barely glancing at the tray placed across his lap.

"A letter from the king." Appa answered, his forehead creasing, "Your mother delivered it. It's addressed to you."

Edward reached for it, doing his best to ignore the way his hands trembled. Appa obligingly surrendered it to him and he tore it open with all of the speed he could muster. Immediately his face paled further than it had been the past week.

"It's a summons." He choked and Appa sagged.

"The army?"

Edward nodded. "Failure to report will lead to arrest and execution."

"You aren't able-bodied. Not now anyhow. We can't have you traveling in this state." Appa stated dully. "When must you be there?"

"A fortnight. If I don't go they'll kill me."

"If you do go you'll kill yourself."

"They've backed me into quite the corner, haven't they?" Edward answered tartly.

"No need to worry about it now. Either Ruby gets back in time or she does not."

"You still think she's alive?" Edward asked, his voice doubtful.

"Absolutely. And by now I'm sure she's on her way back with the venom to save your life."

Edward couldn't help his derisive snort. "She couldn't have lasted out there. It's a constant power struggle with creatures infinitely more powerful than her."

"Your lack of faith concerns me."

"She's too innocent."

"No, she's pure and good. That will serve her well in there."

"Oh, what do you know?"

"More than you."

"You think so?"

"Yes I do. I survived in that forest longer than you could ever even dream of surviving."

Edward blinked, taken aback. The thought of the kind elderly man even entering the forest was a strange one, but for him to have stayed, even lived in it seemed impossible.

"Eat your meal before it gets cold." Appa said, turning to let himself out of the little bedroom.

"Wait!" Edward cried and the older man paused. "You really think she could save me?"

"You know, I haven't the slightest doubt that she could save the entire kingdom if she felt the need."

Edward watched as the door was pulled shut, leaving him in the room alone with his thoughts. "I pray," he murmured to the door, "that she refrains from making that sort of quest necessary."

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