Chapter Twenty

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The Frankenstein army rose below me, cheering as I flew over the riverbank through the air towards a looming golden humanoid, large as the fortress of the Underworld. It held a flaming sword in its massive hands, positioned like a baseball bat. A laugh ripped from my mouth—Lindsay's laugh—and I charged the golden creature.

He swatted me out of the air with his sword-bat and Lindsay screamed from my mouth as my body met the dirt.

The door opened, jerking me out of sleep's terrifying grasp. Alex strode into the room, not surprised in the slightest that I was there.

"Figures you would end up here." She tossed a set of towels on the bed, ruining the crispness of the burgundy covers. "Gregory gave up on you coming back about two hours ago and used me as a sparring partner instead. You're welcome."

Two straight hours of practice with Gregory? I shivered. As she spoke she lifted the sword from the scabbard about her shoulders and opened the armoire. Inside was a collection of weapons, mostly blades. The sword was stowed carefully and the doors closed again.

I should have known she wouldn't have clothes in there.

"I'm going to take a shower but you're more than welcome to stick around. Gregory is occupying Jasper up at your place, at least for a while." With no further attempt at conversation she took her towels into the bathroom and shut the door.

A shower sputtered to life and I had to squash my instinctive jealousy; there were more important things on my mind than cleanliness.

Her offer had proven three things that she may not have wanted me to know: first, that Gregory was purposefully keeping Jasper off my back for the time being. Second, that my apartment was on a different level than this hallway—the fortress I had seen when Hector had taken me out to the River had many stories and somehow I ranked high enough to warrant a place higher than everyone who lived in this hall. Third, and most surprising, that Alex wasn't as mean as she wanted people to think.

The bathroom door opened enough for Alex to stick her head out. "Don't get comfortable, though. He'll be expecting you back this afternoon."

It was still only morning? I dismayed that I was never going to get the hang of the time difference.

While Alex showered I rested my head on my knees again. She didn't sing in the shower, not that I'd expected her to, but this glimpse of off-duty Alex was a welcome change.

After a moment the shower turned off. She must have been trying for the shortest shower award. I relished in the last few minutes I would have to myself before Alex opened the bathroom door again.

She was dressed in her signature black and her hair hung in damp strings down her back. "Gregory's room is nicer, you know. The one with the dragon on the door? He keeps snacks and his collection of those laughable paperback romances is pretty amazing." She toweled off her hair as she spoke, not looking at me. I wasn't even sure if she was talking to me. "You could probably visit him when he's there but if you need a place to escape, this is the only room that's safe on this hall."

I could tell a warning when I heard one. I nodded to her, saying, "Duly noted. Last time I tried to go through the door from the other hall it was locked."

Alex shook her head. "Jasper held the knob until you stopped trying," she said with a grin. But the smile faded at the thought of Jasper. "His door is the creepy one with the kids on the front. Just stay away from that one."

"That was the plan. I didn't recognize it for his room but it was somehow less inviting than the scary lady on your door," I told her as I stood. It didn't feel as nice as it had to sit down but I knew I had to move some time.

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