[19❣️] A curse done

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They might have expected the underworld,where souls of the dead went,to be a little......dark,but now that they're here seeing with their own eyes,they couldn't be more surprised that all their expectations are unmet

Anyone would expect to see Lakes of buring flames,screams of agony,and the shrilling screams of the tortured

But in contrast,the place is........nice

There's flowers and furnitures and paintings and all that things,it seems like a normal castle

Cerberus is leading them to a room and on the way,they can't help but notice the positive attitude of the entire place,no inch of the legend they've been told is to be seen or felt

As the walk the long corridor, they'd peek inside some room and quite surprisingly,they would see people smiling and laughing

They just stared at each other dumbfoundedly

"Go inside" Cerberus stood beside a door and gestured for them to go in, slightly bowing his head

Once inside,they sees a beautiful women, quietly and gracefully humming to a song while staring at a flower in what seems to be a study room for Hades

"Mom" Ni-ki called out,the woman appeared visible tensed, slowly turning

Burrowed eyebrow and a widened eye,but still her beauty shocked them "Baby?" She muttered

Ni-ki just stared smiling,and the woman ran to him,hugging him tightly "I've missed you so much,baby"

"Me too mommy" Ni-ki whispered "oh and I've brought company"Ni-ki let go of her

"This are my friends" Ni-ki introduced all of them to his mother "and you know Sunoo" when she heard Sunoo's name she light up and grab his hand

"Will you be taking our offer dear?" She seems determined,and Sunoo just laugh awkwardly

"Mom!" Ni-ki scold embarrassed by his mother behaviour "okay,okay, I'll stop,but still I'm really happy to see you,and all your friends too,my name is Persephone"

"Where's father?"Ni-ki asked as they take a seat at a couch

"I don't know,i guess he just went for something,why are you here anyway?" Persephone ask her son,taking his hand in hers,a sign knowing by all,she missed her son dearly

Jake nudge Heeseung "what?" Seeing Jake gestures to the room

He sees that all the flowers in the room began to bloom,beautifully and magically

The scent of fresh flowery beauty fills the room

'What a sight?' Heeseung observe

A beautiful moment in time where peaceful tranquility overcome the hell that is surrounding the place,Persephone's magic in affect,she truly is happy

"We're actually here for a favor Miss Persephone" Sunoo inquires

"And what is it?" Her voice sounds calm and peaceful

"I know this is a lot but please can you help us stop the curse of Medusa?" Sunoo pleads

"I'm afraid that's not possible" a new voice echoed "and you people are to be killed immediately"

A presence so powerful all of them felt a chill down their spine

A domineering aura that introduced itself,the king of the underworld is here

"Father" Ni-ki calls out at the door

All of them look at sees that a Man is standing there,the all black attire doesn't hide the fact that this man is powerful and of high place

As he walked toward them,the flowers he came across withered,stripped of their beauty and of their life

The groups are shaking a bit at his stare

But when he got close enough,the flowers stop withering and Persephone stood to embrace her husband "Honey,why scare the kids?" She speaks lovingly all the while the rest of them are sitting upright,sweats dripping down their forehead

Heeseung noticed the flowers that are withered and those that are still alive,they represent Persephone and Hades,a line between life and death,a perfect harmonious fate,he concluded that those two are truly made for each other

They doesn't know what to do with this new situation,like who would know how to greet the king of the underworld?they're still a little scared too

But the next moment takes a complete turn

"I'm sorry i was eavesdropping and i just couldn't help playing around" Hades laughed heartily

At that moment you can practically heard the sound of all of them letting out their breath,Ni-ki laugh,standing and running to his dad "i bet Jay peed his pant,that's a good one dad"

"My boy" Hades exclaims hugging Ni-ki

Hades turns to the group "you brought your frien- Sunoo you're here too,is this what i think it is??" Hades push Ni-ki slightly and went to hug Sunoo

"Dad it's not stop it!" Ni-ki whined

"But your father's right dear,you can't break the curse of a divine" Persephone interject

"What?you can't?" Jungwon stood in shock

"You,you're a son of Zeus,correct?" Hades questions

"Yes sir" Jungwon replied

"Then you of all people should know that a curse can't be broken"

"But we thought Mom could"Ni-ki exclaims

"I'm sorry dear but..." Persephone starts and continue "a curse done can't and shouldn't be undone,since it overwrite the fate of the bearer,if you somehow breaks the curse it will mean they never have a fate and in other words.."

"They will be erased from existence"

Sunoo felt something hit him, Persephone said something he had secretly hoped was not true

If a curse can't be broken

Then what about his?


I've decided to make this book into Arcs and this will be the end of Introduction Arc,the main storyline will be Arc 2 which will be published in the form of webtoon

Thank you all for reading up until now and showing love, it's the end for an arc but not the end for the story as it's only the beginning, I'd also like to say i now have a plot heading for this story and I'll work on it asap

I know it's a lot to ask but if you can please wait for the webtoon and support me, I'll really appreciate it

Thank you

- Author Ksnfoxis

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