[12❣️]A girl wronged by the gods

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Sunoo had no idea how it happened or why,but when he came to a realisation,he was being taken away from his friends

And the only thing he heard is the sizzling of a snake until his consciousness gave up on him

"Where is he?"Sunghoon ran around the place seaching for Sunoo,someone took him and he can't help but feeling angry

"Sunghoon calm down"Heeseung tried to calm him down but he himself know it won't do much

"How can i calm down?Sunoo is taken,and the only thing on this island who could possibly took him is the fucking snake,so don't you tell me to calm down"Sunghoon was past angry at this point,he lost his conscience,he took it out on Heeseung unintentionally

"He's right Sunghoon and taking it out on us won't do any good"Jungkook interrupted and continue "we can't wait around let's move"

Despite the overwhelming fear and sadness they move again,with one thing rooted in their mind,to kill however dares to hurt Sunoo

He slowly gains consciousness,taking in his situation,he was tied by something,very tight too

"You're up" said a woman,voice shrieking and horrible

He quickly closed his eyes as not to look into hers

"Where did you take me?"Sunoo asks scared when he thought of all the possible outcome

"My home"The woman says "closing your eyes huh?ahhahahahahahahha you're smart"

"Please let me go" the thing restraining him gets tighter and tighter making it hard to even breathe

But only laughter can be heard

"Are you going to eat me?"Sunoo cried

"What?what do you think i am?a monster?"

"You killed all those people"Sunoo remark

"Them? Hah you people really like to play the victim huh?"Medusa hissed angrily making Sunoo flinched

But there's something weird Sunoo feels from her,something he can't put his hands into

"What do you mean?" Confused he asks

"You think i just decide to 'kill' those people?if so you're wrong little god,they were here,on my home,to kill me"

Sunoo was shocked by that,he was told that they were killed by a monster "huh?"

"They told you I'm the bad guy right?that I'm a monster,well let me tell you a story"

"I was once a normal girl,never needing anything and just living peacefully under the guidance of those so called gods,until one of them raped me, heartbreaking right?but the thing that came after is so much more,even though i was the victim,the goddess Athena put blame on me,and i was punished"

"What?"Sunoo was so close to crying,this can't be real,right?

"They make me a horrible monster,a monster so horrible everyone that look into my eyes turns into stone"Medusa hissed

"Now tell me little god, who's the real bad guy here?" Medusa's disgust toward the gods is clear in his tone

"You're lying"Sunoo might say she's lying but the thing that broke his heart is the fact that he doesn't detect any deception in his voice

"Well,i don't care anymore whether you believe me or not,but i swear i will take my revenge,i will lay ruins upon those cursed gods" Sunoo finally realised the thing that wrap him is not rope,rather it's medusa's tail

"Starting with you,so now won't you open your eyes for me?"Medusa starts forcing him to open his eyes

"Ahhhh p-please no"Sunoo shout

Laughter fills the place

When she was about to completely force open his eye,she release a shriek


Sunoo opened his eyes to Sunghoon jumping on her back,ready to cut her head off

"Please wait"Sunoo shouts,Sunghoon stares at him in confusion

"Don't kill her"Sunoo begs

"Why?"Sunghoon yells at him

"Please she's innocent"Sunoo tries

"Sunoo i have no idea what you're talking about"Sunghoon says with his sword still threatening Medusa's neck

"Sunghoon just believe me let her go"Sunoo shouts in frustration

But being a god of war Sunghoon still move to take her head

"If you want to learn about love,Sunghoon let her go right now"

Edit: Note from author(cuz i can)

I actually thought y'all would feel sympathetic toward Medusa and be like "uwuu let her go~" but no y'all are like "Sunoo shut up let Sunghoon kill her" I can't-😭🤣🤣

Also,please talk to me through dm or announcement I'm really really lonely i have no one to talk to😖

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