[16❣️]the dead sees

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Some might say it's idiotic,that it's not worth it but to Sunoo it his way to giving love,a thing he was literally born for,and that's exactly why he packed everything he might need and jump out his window,before dropping a letter for his mother and brother on his bed,a letter to inform them where he'll be going

He has no choice but to resort to this,no way in hell would his mother allowed him, it's the underworld we're talking about here,Yes the underworld the same place where the dead goes

He step carefully, careful not to slip and fall,one wrong step and he can kiss this journey goodbye

And just as any person who goes against a god, luck left him

He steps on a moisty green brick,and before he could even comprehend his situation he fell,he braces himself for the impact and closes his eyes

The disappointed face his mom would give him flashed in his mind as he falls

He felt an impact,but not that of the one a person who falls should fell

It felt warm and soft,and gentle,he notes

He slowly opened his eyes, fluttering it opens just to see Sunghoon's dark orb staring straight into his own

"You surprised me, didn't know you planned to jump"Sunghoon says,Sunoo felt his breath hitting his face due to the distance

He face grew red,they are so close to each other,too close

Sunoo jumps off,patting the imaginary dust off himself,looking everywhere except Sunghoon

Breathing to get his heartbeat steady before answering "Figured i must be faster" he couldn't find it in himself to tell him that he slipped and fell,no he'd rather actually fall face first

"Alright, let's go the other's are waiting"

One glance at his house before he followed Sunghoon

They met up with the others,it is nighttime the moon is shining bright

"You're here?we can get started then"Ni-ki says as he fetch a 6 small potion from his bags "here drink this"

He gives each of them,Jay stares at him questioningly "what is this?"

"That is a potion used to allow the living to see the underworld,you see,the underworld is not that far,just that it is,to keep it simple, invisible to the living"

"Well then let's not wait another second then" Jake opens the lip and gulp down the content in one gulp

"OH MAN I SEE IT,I SEE THE DEAD" Jale exclaims,Sunoo is shocked to see the effect potency "really?where"

Jake dramatically points at Sunghoon

"I will turn you inside out"Sunghoon says through grits teeth

"Ignore them hyung"Jungwon tells Sunoo

"Now what?"Sunoo asks,the potion's taste remain in his mouth,whining a bit at the bitter taste

"Wait a bit it'll show up soon"

And it did,a minute later Sunoo sees a hole on the ground,he swear that isn't there earlier "what?"he whispered questioningly

"I told you it's not far right?just think of it this way,the underworld is mount Olympia for the dead people,for us we saw mount Olympia but the dead will see the Underworld"Sunoo doesn't understand one bit but nods nonetheless

"So we go down there?"Heeseung asks as he step toward it, examining it

"Yes but first i have to warn you, don't touch anything and i cannot stress this enough, don't eat anything,if you do you'll be stuck there forever"

They thought that was it but that was just the beginning

"And my parents ruled the underworld but that doesn't mean they kept everyone under control,never leave the group and if you encounter anything,just run"

"We wouldn't want to be stuck down there now, won't we?"

Are y'all still here?

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