chapter - (x)

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All his brothers and draupadi had fallen one by one and now yudhishthira was accompanied by a dog which had followed them on their way . The dog looked starved to the point that all its bones were visible , apparently it had followed them in hope of getting food . Yudhisthira was now very close to reach the top where heaven lies . Until then yudhishthira was not feeling lonely because of the dog and was feeling thankful to the dog for joining them but now that he was so close to reach his destination his thoughts changed . He was getting angry that a mere dog was trying to reach the gates of heaven which even his brothers and wife was not able to succeed . He kicked the dog out of anger , dog fell down rolling , he could not see the dog after some point but he was sure that it would die . Then he kept climbing finally reaching the top . He couldn't see anything properly because of fog , It was cold and he was starving , they had not eaten anything for days .

This was not what he had thought , he was hoping to see heaven but this was no heaven . He didn't no what to do , he didn't have the energy to return back . He would die no matter what so he decided to stay there , he regretted killing the dog , now he was feeling lonely . After some hours he went unconscious out of starvation . Everything went blank ....then he felt strong pain everywhere in his body .

After a long time there was no pain . When he opened his eyes , he was in a different place . The place looked reddish in colour . Infront of him a man was sitting in a throne , the throne looked like a buffalo . His crown had horns attached to it .

Yudhisthira was sure that it was heaven . He felt extremely happy that he finally reached heaven but he was also feeling sad that his brothers couldn't make it .

 He felt extremely happy that he finally reached heaven but he was also feeling sad that his brothers couldn't make it

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Yudhishthira was examining the place carefully then he looked at the man sitting on the throne . He was curious to know more about this place .

Yudhishthira asked " who are you ? "

Man replied after laughing loudly " I'm your father yama "

It was yudhishthira's father yama-raja .Yudhisthira was feeling joy that he finally met his father . He was waiting to hear his father's praises for his righteous deeds .

Yudhisthira said " I'm so happy to see you father , I know you are proud of me that I have always followed the path of dharma like you . It is my great honour that you have decided to take me to heaven . But my only request is to let my family also stay in heaven with me . I know you cannot deny such a small request from your son "

Yama laughed again ...

Yudhisthira was feeling annoyed by his father's evil laughter

Yama said " I'm truly disappointed by you my son , you really make me laugh . After all the sins you have committed how do you even think you will be part of heaven ? I'm ashamed of the fact that you are my son . Sure you can go to heaven but only after you receive punishments for all your sins "

Yudhisthira was feeling confused and scared . His own father was trying to punish him . He was confused because he had always followed dharma as written in scriptures then why was he going to be punished.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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