20 Questions! (sort of...)

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We are so sorry that we missed our last update. We had a lot on our plates... You see... our friend was brutally murdered in a car accident PURPOSELY by Quandale Dingleberry... He is currently on trial in court as we type. Just please understand that we have been grieving and could not write our new chapter. We are truly sorry for this, so please, forgive us. Also, we lied, we do NOT update every Tuesday.... Forgot to edit that out!!!

Love, Cream Soda and Gorm!!!!!!!!

It was the Joker's turn to ask a question now...

Joker immediately turned to the Riddler with a wide grin on his face.

"Riddsy... I have a... question for YOU...😏!" The joker YELLED. "So.... Do you like girls... or guys... pick a side... pick a side...😘"

(Riddlers reaction)

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(Riddlers reaction)

Riddler gulped nervously! "I-i–i-i-i–i-i-i-i–i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i–i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i–i-i-i-i um I well..😖I like............... b-boys...<?>" The Riddler said in the most high-pitched voice, only a dog could hear, literally.

"What🤨?" Joker asked, hearing nothing but seeing Riddler's mouth open.

"I SAID-" Suddenly the Riddler was cut off.

"Okay... THEE Batman, now it's your turn!🤪" Joker said wackily.

THEE Batman scoffed due to the Joker's childishness, rolling his eyes.

But still, THEE Batman thought looooooong and hard about the question he should ask. As well as who to ask it to.

SUDDENLY, a light bulb popped up above his head going, DING. 'I have the perfect question to ask....🦇' THEE Batman thought slyly.

"How's your divorce going with Harley, Joker?🦇" THEE Batman giggled and licked his lips. 

(Jokers reaction)

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(Jokers reaction)

"....<?>" The Riddler stared between THEE Batman and Joker, dumbfounded. "Wowee."

"Maybe we should play a DIFFERENT game...🤬" The Joker said AGGRESSIVELY.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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