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~ Kieran's POV, another picture of Kieran at the side. ~

If it was any other student, I'd probably go straight to the school. But, there's something about Poppy that's different. I really like her. I've known this girl two weeks and she already has me wrapped around her little finger. Poppy doesn't want me to tell the school, I don't tell the school.

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. My life was a complete misery. 

When I was ten, I was taken away from my family. My dad used to beat me, starve me. Keep me locked away for days on end. One day, my neighbour called the Police because she hadn't seen either of us in weeks.

The police broke in and found that my father was dead. He'd topped himself. They also found me locked in my room half dead. I was thin, scrawny. Starving and thirsty. I didn't have the strength to escape.

I spent the next six years rebelling against every children's home and foster parents I was put with. No one could stand me. I partied, drank, did drugs and slept with any girl that showed an interest.

Not a time in my life that I'm proud of. But, at seventeen, I was adopted by my aunt and uncle that I hadn't seen since I was six. They took me to live on their ranch in Texas and taught me some discipline by making me help out with the cows and horses and general farm maintenance. I cracked on with school, attended counselling sessions. Really turned my life around. Somehow, I managed to get through university and become a teacher.

I moved over to England to try and start a fresh completely, but memories of my past are still stuck with me

Now I'm teaching a terrified and scarred girl who needs someone to be there for her. I just physically can't go behind her back and tell her parents that her father wants to find her. I know I should, I really do.

Poppy is shy and is very nervous around me. She's scared of men and, quite frankly, I can't blame her. But, I think she is beginning to trust me. I went through a time when I trusted no one at all and I think she's going through that time at the moment. Believe me, it's not fun.

Ugh, what is it about this girl, Kieran? Why can't you get her off your mind? She's your student! A damn student...

I run up the stairs to my apartment. I live on the fifth floor and for some reason, running up all these stairs when I've had a stressful day, calms me down.

When I moved to my aunt and uncle's farm, they had me working hard. Lifting hay, buckets of water, mucking out stalls, riding, feeding animals. Not to mention helping out with the crops. I really got in shape and now I really enjoy going running or spending time at the gym.

I unlock my door and step inside.

My apartment is very light and airy. One wall is entirely windows, but I have a thin curtain that I close for privacy sometimes. The entire colour scheme is beige and brown with the odd colour thrown in here and there. The only room that isn't open and airy is my room. It's quite dark in there. It makes it feel cozy and I like that.

I lock the door behind me then shrug my blazer off and rest it on the back of the sofa.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab a glass, filling it with water. Right now, I should really be sat at the table marking art assessments. But, all I really want to do is go for a run. Not a very long one, just to blow off some steam.

I go to my room and open the door, going straight to my wardrobe. Pulling out my grey sweats and and a top, I place them on my bed then get changed.

After a quick glance in the mirror, I go to the door and slip on my blue trainers. I grab my phone and slip it in my deep pocket, step out my apartment and lock the door. I shove my keys through the letter box so I don't have to carry them. When I come back, I'll use the spare key that I keep blu tacked to the bottom of the mat outside my apartment.


I run up Falcon Way at a high speed then turn down Maple street. Slowing down slightly, I keep my pace steady as I run past the various alley ways. This is a rough area of town and I didn't mean to go this far, but I lost track of time.

"Get off me!" I hear a girl shout and I stop dead in my tracks. That voice... I know it from somewhere. Gently jogging to the next alley way, I look down it to find a girl with stunning blonde hair pressed against the fence by a tall man, about twice her age.

The girl underneath him is struggling to get free. It's Poppy. Pure rage runs through my veins. "Oi!" I shout running up to the guy. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask absolutely furious.

"We're just having some fun." The man slurs. Great. He's fucking pissed. I glance at Poppy and tears are rolling down her cheeks. 

"I didn't want to do this." I mutter before hitting him square in the jaw with a forceful punch. The guy falls back on to the floor and passes out.

"Come on, Poppy. " I say, placing my hand on her waist and she tries to move away.

"Don't touch me." She mumbles and I stand in front of her, making her stop abruptly. I crouch down in front of her.

"Poppy, I will never hurt you." I say looking up at her. "Why don't you come back to my place? You can have something to drink and eat if you want?" I ask, taking hold of her hands which are rigid at first but then relax in to mine. Poppy nods then finally looks at me in the eye.

"Thank you, Mr Reynolds." She nods gratefully.

"Call me Kieran." I say and stand up again, wrapping my arm around her waist and supporting her as she walks. I think the guy really scared her because she's shaking slightly and seems a little unsteady on her feet.


"What we're you doing over that side of town anyway?" Poppy asks me and I chuckle slightly, pointing at my running gear.

"I went out for a run. It helps me clear my head." I explain and Poppy nods.

"Same." She smiles gently and points at herself as she too is wearing running gear. I place some toast in front of her and some orange juice.

Sliding in to my own seat opposite her, I begin to eat my own toast.

"Poppy?" I begin in a soft voice.

"Yes?" She answers looking up at me.

"Who was that man in the alley way?" I ask and watch as she freezes.

"Um, no one. Just some um guy who decided he wanted me." Poppy looks down. She knows full well who it was, she just doesn't want to tell me.

"I think you do know him." I say, reaching across the table to take her hand and she let's me without hesitation this time.

"No, I don't know who it was, Kieran." She says in a forceful tone and I have to say I'm a little shocked.

"Was it your father?" I ask, running my thumb over the back of her hand. She doesn't answer and I know instantly that it was.

"I don't even know how he found me. In eleven years, that text was the first time I had heard from him. Then he didn't text me again. Now I was just nearly attacked by him in an alley way." I let her ramble on, constantly stroking her hand with my thumb.

"Poppy, I will not let him hurt you." I remind her again.

"How will you protect me?" She hangs her head.

"Because I will." I confirm in a final tone. Slowly, I stand up and then come and kneel in front of Poppy. I take hold of her left hand in mine and use my other hand to push her hair away from her face. Poppy us watching me intently and I want to do nothing more than kiss her prefect lips, but I won't. She's vulnerable at the moment and I won't take advantage of that.

"You're strong, Poppy Mendez. You can fight through this and I will be right there by your side. Teacher or not. Okay?" When Poppy doesn't answer, I stand up to clean the plates away, but two slim arms wrap around my body tightly and I instantly return the embrace.

"Thank you, Kieran." She mumbles against my chest and I just run my hands over the back of her head in a reassuring manner.

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