•{🌸} April 29th 2022 {🍰}•

138 3 9

I'm not gonna use my normal layout since none of this really fits under any of those categories-

Me and my mother were watching something on ghosts and stuff - Somehow, we ended up talking about voodo dolls, which led us to spell jars, which led us to things like dark magic.
I still don't quite understand any of it, like- at all- but I wanna try researching it more.

Buuut I can't find anything on Google-
I remember when I was pretty young, I think around 7, I tried making a spell jar for someone I really liked then. I knew literally nothing about it, I just knew you put something in a jar and put it somewhere and magically the person liked you back. I tried again a few months after that, but couldn't find a jar.

My mother said something about it backfiring on you. For example, if you tried breaking people up/(her words:) "Souring someones relationship", that could come back at you and instead sour your relationship with them.
I asked if you could prevent that somehow, and she said stones would work, and along with that you can put stuff in the jar to strengthen the 'spell'. Using the same example, she said you could add some lemon in the jar to represent- yknow- souring the relationship

Honestly, I'm too tired to reread all of this, so I apologize if nothing here makes sense, but hopefully something in this did.

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