•{💙} November 12th 2022 {🌊}•

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I just wanted to say I'M NOT DEAD I wanted to do a lil update cause I came to read Olenki (internettreem)'s recent book WHIIICH YOU SHOULD ALSO TOTALLY READ YEP YEP
I stopped writing on Wattpad, ofc I still come to read other's writings sometimes but last book I updated was I think Repeat, which was my first ever book even on here (made in I think early 2017? Idk)
I still LOVE writing, don't get me wrong, but right now I'm at a point I feel like my writing's not necessarily g o o d ? Not that it's bad or anything like that, but when I write I always find myself doing so for hours, a few months ago I even stayed up till 9am writing a oneshot😭. I actually was super proud of that oneshot and planned on posting it. I haven't had that kind of fun in a while, it could be cause recently my phone and tablet both completely reset and 30k+ words of writing was erased BUT if I can't have fun writing it, my readers won't have fun reading it. It's not enjoyable if it's not enjoyable for the writer.
As of THIS book, I'll just say it how it is, I am NOT good at updating things😭
I run two daily accounts on Instagram, and even though I'm on Instagram 24/7, those accounts get updated about twice every week. I can't even keep a personal journal that's supposed to be for my future.
This isn't like an oH iM qUiTtiNg It might be like a– oH i miGhT bE qUttiNg tiLl i cAn gEt mY wRiTiNg tOgEtHeR bUt aLso I miGhT nOt uPdAtE tHiS sPeCiFiC bOoK fReQuEnTlY aNyMoRe

Sorry if this disappoints any of you, I'll still prolly come here and check in every once and a while, I can't not since- This book pretty much MADE my account. I prolly would have quit without it. Once Repeat (let me make this clear PLEASE don't read Repeat oh my god I was so young when I made it and I didn't even know how to write back then and i didn't even follow up with the original plot idea which MIND YOU WAS GONNA BE GREAT and literally NAMED the book THIS IS A REPEAT HATE PAGE /hj)

Not to mention my interests kind of shifted, like, overall I'm more into like-- Witchcraft rather than subliminals and all that (excluding manifesting, I might make a manifesting book if anyone's interested in that PLS TELL ME IF YOU ARE CAUSE I REALLY WANNA MAKE IT BUT I PROLLY WON'T IF YOU GUYS DON'T WANT ME TO MAKE IT HEDHEKDH)

OKAYY WELL that's all for right now, feel free to DM me if you'd like but there's a super high chance I won't see it since Wattpad notifications are off and I never check my chats really- If you wanna chat and have me actually rEsPonD though you can friend me on discord; lem0n#4455 (please comment though when you do, I usually just block people who friend request me and idk who they are)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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