chapter 2- Gracie

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Jc's P.O.V.

Finally math is over i'm gonna try to talk to Olivia. I walk up to her and feet away from her she gets in my way. Gracie. Gracie has had a crush on me all through out middle school and now high school. Now you might be thinking don't all girls like me? Yes they do...well majority but she's different every single time she see's me (keep in mind this has been going on since the 6th grade) she hits on me tries to act like were dating even tried to kiss me one time. When she gets in front of me she leans in and looks me in the eye for like 2 minuets before she smashes her lips against mine but the worst part is Olivia saw me.

Olivia's P.O.V.

I look up and i swear i see Jc walking towards me but then i see Gracie walk in front of him and kiss them they were kissing for what felt like 3 minuets but after about one i couldn't take it i ran into the girls bathroom i don't no why i did its not like were dating but i couldn't help but let the tears drip down my face.

Gracie's P.O.V. 

I new i could do it i did. I kissed Jc Caylen and i'm proud of it. I saw Olivia looking at him and i saw him looking at Olivia i knew i couldn't let them get together so right when he was almost at her i jumped in front of him and kissed him. I kissed him for like 1 minute but i only kissed him for that long because i had to wait untill i herd the sounds of Olivia crying and running away. That will teach her for trying to steal my man!

So did you guys like it please comment saying if you like it or not i could use all of the feed back that you have but for now bye. ~Livi 

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