Han Jisung: I've got you, right?

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jisung x reader

wc: 1028 words

WARNING: description of anxious thoughts, overthinking and nightmares 

today was a shit day.

scratch that. the past few days have all been somewhat shit days and now its all accumulated. you've being feeling unreasonably anxious and paranoid for somewhat around a week. you have not a single clue so as to why you're suddenly overanalysing everything, and it's unfortunately taking a toll on your daily activities. you're extremely unmotivated to even do things you like, and simple day- to- day tasks somehow seem so difficult to achieve.

you couldn't even make yourself a cup of coffee correct today.

to top it all off, asking for help has always seemed like such a daunting task. there's the constant fears of being judged, or somehow forcing the other person to help clean your mess when ideally you should be the one doing it.

today though, you were tired. you were tired of the never- ending thoughts, and feeling helpless. feeling stuck. you really needed help.

right after you'd come home, you were feeling rather overwhelmed and very uncomfortable, so in the height of your emotions you left your boyfriend a text and asked him if he could manage to come home earlier than usual today. he hadn't responded, probably because he does have a pretty packed schedule these days.

but there was no harm in waiting a little right?

which brings you here.

you've been waiting for him for a little over an hour at this point; just mindlessly scrolling through your socials, watching anything that pops up on your youtube recommendations, to give yourself something else to focus on other than your thoughts. you were extremely tired. the momentary comfort of your fluffiest pjs, your couch and your blanket was enough for you to drift off to sleep.

unfortunately for you, your body wanted rest, but your brain refused. your doubts and insecurities seemingly followed you into your sleep as well, creating vivid visions, that feel so real. you can't quite differentiate the dream world from the waking world, it all feels so real. you feel the fear creep into you, and you feel every single negative emotion that you'd been attempting to avoid till this point.

you're so helpless, your breathing is erratic with each passing moment, and-


you're shooting up from your previous position as you gasp for air.

"woah woah be careful, what's going on?" you hear his footsteps as he rushes to you.

his voice seems so faint and faraway, but you're sure he's right next to you.

"look at me,"

"deep breaths, come on follow me,"

and for the next several minutes you sit there mimicking his actions and counts as he guides you through breathing exercises. as you feel your breathing go back to normal, you gain a little more control over your senses. your eyes gaze over his features, which makes him smile.

"there you are, hi," a kiss to your forehead as you muster out a hushed greeting.

"it was just a bad dream love, you're okay;"

"do you wanna talk about it?"

he means no harm with his question, but it's really all it takes for your brain to flash back to your nightmare and all the incidents and feelings that led upto it. it causes tears to rush into your eyes and you can see he visibly panics. but he's pulling you into his embrace the moment you let out the first sob, occasionally tightening his grip on you, squeezing your sides just a little to assure you of his presence.

"i'm right here, i've got you," he keeps chanting over and over as you cry your heart out.

after you're done crying, he takes you to the bathroom, helps you wash the remains of your tears away. he makes you your favourite tea, brushes your hair for you, tucks you into bed. he then rushes to freshen up himself so that you two can finally talk.

as soon as he's back on the bed, you're back in his embrace, little circles drawn on your arm with his fingers, each intensifying the feeling of being loved and heard and cared of more than the previous one, as he listens to every word you have to say.

he makes it so easy to, just talk.

you don't have to keep your walls up when he's around, you don't have to pretend to be okay. his little nods and 'go on, let it all out's', his little caresses, his gentleness, his care, it's all so comforting to you.

"i'm so proud of you for letting all that out," he pulls you into another hug and pats your back.

"it's okay if you have a bad day. it's okay if that one bad day turns to many bad days. happens to everyone, happens to me too,"

"sometimes we just need the bad days so when the good days come by, we can enjoy them to the fullest. bad emotions are there so you don't take the good ones for granted,"

"you can always come to me and talk about anything. maybe you don't want to talk, that's okay too. just tell me when there's something bothering you. i'm always yours to talk to, to cry to, to share the bad days with, you know that right?"

he presses a kiss into your hair, smiling when he feels you nod against his chest. he then changes your guys' position so you're both lying on the bed.

"d'you wanna try sleeping again? are you still scared?" his voice is soft against the shell of your ear.

in response, you snuggle more into him and tighten your own grip around him, squeezing just a little to remind yourself of the feeling of safety and comfort he provides you.

"i don't have anything to be scared of,"

"i've got you, right?"

and when he sees his favourite smile adorn your face, the one he'd been craving to catch the tiniest glimpse of all night, he smiles equally as big, his heart doing flips in its place.

"you've got me, always got me,"

a kiss to your nose.

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