Changlix: Saved by the bell

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guyss i'm so sorry these days i've only been posting drabbles and really short 1shots its just cus school is literally killing me rn and i have exams coming up ( which i still didn't study for sadly) so i haven't been posting a lot and when i do they are super super short </3 i'll get back to posting 4-5 times a week like when i first started after exams for sure! xx

Changbin x Felix 

wc: 1.4k

WARNING: smut 

Felix was being pushed by Changbin on a wall. Hard. He has no time to process the situation as a mouth, a warm mouth, was pressed on his lips. He just hummed as he kissed back. He did not even know when did he close his eyes and wrap his hands around the older's neck. He had jumped and opened his eyes when Changbin bit his lower lip but closed his eyes again when Changbin sucked it hard. A moan escaped from Felix. He had to hold himself up by the wall because his legs were shaking, it didn't help when Changbin slipped his hands lower from his waist to his ass. He moaned yet again as Changbin squeezed them hard. A moan escaped from Felix's mouth again. He just thanked heavens because they were in a room but didn't know what room. All he knew was Changbin's already hard pressed on his thigh.

He managed to release a breath when Changbin moved in kissing Felix's neck. Oh god this is going to be a long day.

"B-bin?" He called the other as his neck was being turtored by his lover's kisses including teeth. He's gonna walk with full of hickeys on his damn neck for a damn week.

"hmmm..?" Changbin hummed as he bit that one sensitive part of his partner's neck that he knew so well. He smirked when he heared Felix's moan. Felix was already a panting mess. He loved it when he was the reason of Felix being a mess like this, of course he didn't want anybody to touch his Felix. Felix was only his.

"w-what's going on? Are you okay?" Felix still managed to be worried. Maybe Changbin was just stressed by all the school works coming. Being the school's student body's vice president is not an easy task. He often observed his boyfriend like this when stressed.

"I'm literally good.." Changbin answered still turtoring his younger boyfriend's neck. Literally. He has his hot boyfriend pinned on a wall. He knew Felix hated hickeys, one of the reasons why he loves him so much, he let him put hickeys as much as he wanted when he needed a hot make out like this, aside from being worried to him.

They didn't usually make out in public so often, they were in the school for christ's sake, but he can't just deny Felix, his hot (and cute at the same time) boyfriend wandering around the hallway with his varsity jacket on with "SEO 99" printed on it. It turned him on.

He squeezed Felix's ass again. Felix moaned and groaned at the same time. Changbin chuckled, it only means one thing.

"god Binnie, don't do that.." Felix said as he felt himself getting closer. A gasp escaped from his mouth when Changbin lift his left leg and let it wrap around his hip then grinded a little.

"fuck.." He cursed silently. Who knows if there are still students around.

Changbin seemed satisfied with the reactions given by his younger boyfriend.

"baby, you're so hot right now." Changbin whispered back, sucking felix's earlobe. He loved it when felix's moaned because he just attacked all his sensitive parts. He then squeezed again his bum.

"don't do that please..."

"hmm and why is that? From the reactions you've made, you seemed to like it." Changbin smirked still sucking Felix's earlobe.

"If you keep doing that I'm gonna cum and we are still in the fucking school and we still have a fucking cla--ahh.." Felix was being cut by Changbin grinding on his fucking dick. He's gonna kill his boyfriend later.

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