part 6 - "come inside"

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that morning we both woke from blissful slumber. Haymitch looked at me, as i was still in his arms. "good morning sweetheart." he says to me softly "good morning hon" i say with a yawn to follow. dreadfully, he lets go of me and gets up and walks to the window. "it's stopped raining. you should probably go home and change and check on your dog. i have some stuff i have to do for us for the games." 'oh yeah. the games' i thought to myself. i had forgotten all about the games. me and Haymitch have to mentor our tributes for district 12. i hate thinking of the games. it reminds me of the lives i took and the constant days of almost dying and the face of the tribute from district 6 what i had to take her life when we were the only ones left.

i still have nightmares about her sword being thrown away by mine and slicing through her face and neck and stabbing her in the heart to put her out of her misery. i hate that nightmare. i get out of the bed and attempt to make it but Haymitch stops me "don't bother sweetheart. it'll just get messed up again sooner or later." he says with a grin, implying that he remembers what we did last night and that he wants to do it again. but i can't help but question if he meant those i love you's and the holding my hand and the particular sweet way he treated me that night.

after I put my dress back on, i go down stairs to see Haymitch at the kitchen table, a bottle of liquor in one hand and a pen signing papers in the other. i go up and sit across from him and he looks up at me, almost offended. "what?" i ask confused. "get over here sweetheart" he says in a steady, loving voice. he puts down his pen and bottle and when I'm standing Infront of him he pulls me onto his lap. not like last night. his legs are closed and he is hugging me and affectionately resting his head on my chest. "are yo-" "did you mean what you said last night (y/n)?" 'he remembers' "Haymitch. i meant all of what i said last night." i say sincerely. "even that you love me?" he says. "especially that i love you." at this he smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. he bounces his leg once or twice slowly and i flush. he giggles at me and flashes a smile. "now you go home. do what people with annoying dogs and tiny hands do." he says teasingly. "ok Haymitch, and get up to whatever middle aged drunks get up to." he laughs and i get up, give his hand a squeeze, and stride to the front door.

when i get outside it is bright and beautiful. everything is still wet from the previous storm but it's all glistening in the sun light that breaks through the clouds. as I'm half way to my house. i hear rushed footsteps behind me. in one, swift movement i pull the knife out that i keep in my boot and turn on my heel, ready to fight but to my surprise. it's Haymitch. "whoa sweetheart. it's only me." he says with a smile. "why are you here? i thought you had to work on stuff for the games." i say with confusion. "oh well, you forgot something. i couldn't let you leave without it." he says with a sarcastic twinge to his voice. "ok then" i cross my arms, "what did i forget?" and the next moment his lips are on mine. the soft, warm feel of his lips on mine. the smell of liquor is still on his mouth but i don't care. he pulls me closer to him by my waist and i have one hand on his shoulder and the other cupping his face. he moves one hand to the back of my neck. still having one hand on my waist. he pulls away and smiles at me. "now i have to get to work. come drop by later sweetheart" he says. i kiss him on the cheek and we walk to our homes

once I get home i see that Max is eager to see me. he jumps up on me and gives me kisses. i laugh and get him down. then i go to my room, change into an aqua sun dress that also falls just above my knees. I'm not sure about the length but i wear it anyways. the color compliments my eyes.

hours later I'm coming back to the village after walking max in the seam. i got some liquor for Haymitch from ripper. she was nice to talk to. i didn't tell her about last night's events. i don't think i would tell anyone. even my close friend sal. a sweet girl with long golden locks that are always in a bun at the back of her head. she never wears a dress. even to the reaping she aways sports a suit to grand events and regular days, she can be seen with that same bun or ponytail and pants and a tee shirt or long sleeves and boots. despite her rough demeanor she is very sweet and kind. she is one of the hunters that poaches in the woods outside of district 12. she is amazing at setting snares and fabulous with a cross bow. i met her when buying Haymitch liquor a year ago and we've been together since.

i reach my home and prepare to had to haymitch's house. as I'm about 3 or 4 houses away i see Haymitch burst through the front door and see me. he towards me with a scowl on his face. when he reaches me he grins and says "thank you sweetheart. let's go inside." he grabs the liquor and gently grabs my hand and we stride inside.

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