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I was on my way to the party my best friend hosts. Her parents are super rich so she lives in a massive white mansion. It was her 19th birthday. I was almost late because I didn't find a parking spot.

I stepped in and there were more than 200 people, she loves big parties. I was wearing a silky black dress with black heels. On my right hand my little purse and the other one holding a small gift bag.

I walked through this human mass and found her taking shots. "Lilah!! You made it!" she screams from the bottom of her lungs. "Heyy Nova. Happy birthday!!" I handed her the gift bag.

We partied like crazy. Flashing lights, shots, smell of alcohol, everyone half naked. "I have to find the bathroom!" She said almost throwing up. I asked if she wanted me to come with her to hold her hair but she said she's fine.

I was taking shots and drinking Tequila from the bottle alternately. "Will you pour me some?" A male voice asked me. I looked behind who was talking to me and it was a tall man, in his 20s. I was so drunk I couldn't speak correctly "I- Uhh- Shoreeee" I said stretching the sentence.

I took the empty shot glass and started pouring vodka in it and I missed the glass. "Oops" I started laughing and acted surprised while putting my hand in front of my mouth. I was very drunk.

"Okaylet's get you out of here, okay?" "No it's fun here." I protested immediately. A moment passed. "I don't feel so well" He quickly placed both of his arms around my shoulders and escorted me upstairs. We went to the bathroom and he helped me fast to the toilet and I puked immediately.

He held my hair. I wasn't aware what was happening to me but when I finished I wasn't sober but I've came to a realisation what was happening and where I am. "I'm sorry, I don't drink often" I sat next to the toilet after flushing it and wiping my mouth. He was standing in front of the door. "Don't apologise" A moment of silence. He raised his brows and said "I should get going now you probably want to be alone"

He was about to open the door when I interrupted him. "No that's fine. Stay. If you want." He smiled at me like he felt bad for me. "May I ask what's your name darling?" "Lilah" I quickly responded. "And what's your name darling?" Emphasising the darling. He let out a chuckle "I'm Noah"

"Nice to meet you Noah" I shook his hand. He's very attractive I might add. Brown middle part hair, brown eyes and he seems very muscular as well. "Do you want to get out of here" he suddenly uttered. "How do I know you're not a serial killer?" I asked surprised.

"There's only one way to find out." He stood up while holding his hand out for me to take his hand. "Wait I have to find my best friend!" I yelled when we left the bathroom to due very loud music what was playing. It was hard finding her and I didn't want to leave her because it was still her birthday party and she's my best friend but of course my dumb ass got so drunk that I'm sick to my stomach.

Oh there she is, laughing with some guys. "Laura I'm so sorry but I have to go." "Are you okay Lilah?" she asked worriedly placing her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah uh no I think I drank too much and I feel sick." "Do you want me to give you a ride?" "No that's okay I'll order a taxi. Love ya!" I blew her a kiss and she responded with the same.

I wasn't lying. I genuinely feel sick right now. I went outside and took a deep cold breath. It felt like there was no oxygen left in there, almost suffocating. "You wanna come over to my place?" A voice asked. I looked around and saw Noah smoking a cigarette. "I'm not a prostitute if you think that." I said with a serious tone. "Sorry?" he said frowning . "I didn't mean it that way, you're just way too drunk to drive on your own" . I let out a little chuckle showing how dumb I was.

"Which one is your car?" I uttered. "The black one there." he pointed his finger. A Lamborghini?! He had this rich smelling scent on, it was strong but likeable and didn't cause my head to ache.

He placed his strong and muscular hands on my waist to make sure I don't trip or fall. When he started driving I was amazed. "Nice car" "Thanks I bought it" he had a smirk on his face. I was so tired from drinking I fell asleep on the seat. When I woke up I was in a massively huge apartment. Massive windows from which you can see the roofs of other small apartments. Rich looking white kitchen. Huge TV. And I was laying in a king sized bed.

"You're awake love." he noticed me. I nodded. "Did I fall asleep?" "I think you did" "Noah right?" I made sure it was the same person before. He let out a chuckle "Yes. Still me" He offered me some water but I declined, just in case.

It was still night which means I didn't sleep long. "Can I have a dance with you Lilah?" he suddenly asked me. I said yes and stood up from the bed finding my balance. The lights went out and it was dim, the only source of light was the fireplace under the TV.

He took both of my hands and intertwined our fingers. He was way taller than me even when I wore my heels so I had to look up if I wanted to see his face. I looked up and saw him gently staring at me. "Do you like it here?" he asked me curiously. "I think it's fine." "Oh yeah?" he raised his eyebrows pulling me closer to him. "Is it okay?" he made sure I wasn't uncomfortable and I wasn't. He placed his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him, my breath hitched. Our chests were slightly touching, he leaned in and whispered; You look very pretty. "You have nice lips you know" I whispered back to his ear while he leaned in. "Come kiss them then" he had an evil grin on his face.

He leaned in even more and kissed me strongly. It felt amazing, I kissed him back placing my hands behind his head. "Is it okay?" "Yea" He licked his lip and kissed me again. We slowly wandered to his bed where I was sleeping in before.

I was on top of him. He grabbed my waist leaving white hand marks there and turned us around. Now he was on top of me. "Are you gonna fuck me?" I grinned. "Yes ma'am" he answered. He took his shirt off and oh God. His abs were divine I couldn't stop staring. He was wearing grey sweatpants, he probably changed into comfier clothes because I don't remember him wearing sweatpants before I fell asleep.

He moved his finger slowly down to my stomach sending shivers down my spine. He stopped exactly where my clit was, causing me to release a moan. I took my dress off and caught him staring at my body. I saw Calvin Klein boxers white waistband under his sweatpants.

He kissed my neck and then my lips. He took off his sweatpants and then boxers. He looked at me and leaned in "I'll fuck you so hard". He put his dick inside me causing me to moan very loud. I bit my lip and arched my back. He groaned while slamming himself against me. He was holding my waist so harshly it left red marks. I clawed his back leaving nail traces.

He was rubbing my clit making me moan even louder. I had tears coming from my eyes making my mascara be all over the place. He went faster and faster making him groan as well. He leaned in and said "Don't you dare to come." he kissed my neck shortly after. "Yeahh" I moaned. "God you're so perfect Lilah." he moaned.

He was fucking me so hard I felt my legs shaking. "You're so hot" he gritted through his teeth. I put one hand behind his head making him come closer to me and kiss me roughly again while still grabbing the white bedsheets with my other hand. I felt his strong abs touching my stomach, his perfectly tanned skin and soft hair.

I came and he came inside me. I felt liquid flow out of me. He dropped right next to me and my body wasn't tense anymore. I looked at him and met his gaze. I slowly closed my eyes, the last thing I felt was him putting my hair behind my ear "Goodnight love."

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