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He wasn't next to me when I woke up. He was gone. I knew it. Fucked me, fucked me again, left me. I don't know what else I expected, I let a total stranger fuck me twice. Of course there's no feelings, I shouldn't be catching feelings for him. Obviously...

I searched for my dress scanning the whole room because walking isn't an option right now but fuck, he's good at it. I saw it hanging on the chair next to the bed. I reached for it and put it on still laying on the bed. I found my purse under the bed and everything was there, my phone, wallet with money still inside, car keys. Everything.

I stood up and the pain wasn't even that bad, maybe it's kicking in later. I walked to the fridge to find something to eat. All this drinking, sleeping and fucking has made me hungry. I'll leave after I'll find something. The apartments door opened and I heard heavy footsteps coming toward me.

"You hungry?" A deep voice asked. I peeked behind the fridge door and saw Noah standing there with two brown paper-bags. "No, I have to go" I told him with a blank face. "You can walk?" he laughed sarcastically while looking at me like a dessert.

"You're funny," I said annoyed and walked past him toward the front door. "Wait," he grabs my wrist. I look back at him with no emotion. "Your underwear," he pointed with his finger. "Keep it," I pulled my wrist back and walked away from him.

"I want to keep you." he suddenly spoke. I froze. He wants to keep me? As he doesn't want me to leave? "Why? Aren't I one of your sex buddies for one night stands?" He furrows his eyebrows like I just committed a crime.

"You really think that huh?" he stepped closer to me. "Isn't that the truth?" I shrugged. He walked towards me "You're the first person I've had sex with in two years. I got my heart broken so badly I didn't want to bring no one here ever again but here you are. I didn't use you, I meant everything I said."

I felt my emotions soften and my body wasn't tense. "Am I actually the first person?" I asked not believing him. "Yes Lilah, I really fucking like you." I had a very slight smile on my face and looked at him straight into his eyes. Perfection. I wanted to hear that but from his mouth.

"If you really have to go then go but..." he walked away from me, grabbed a sticky note from one of his drawers and wrote something on it. I stared at him curiously what he's doing. He folded the sticky note together and walked towards me.

"Give me your phone," he demanded. I took my phone out of the little purse and gave it to him. He grabbed my phone and took the case off, slipped the little paper under the case and put it back on. He gently handed me the phone not wanting to let me go.

"I really like you Lilah," he mumbled while I gave him a glare. I left.

. . . . .

I stepped in to the elevator. I sighed not knowing what just happened. I've had so many one night stands and not one has confessed or even felt like Noah did. I should've said something oh my God. Why did I stare. Fuck Lilah, this time you were the one who screwed.

I have feelings for him, I like him but we're strangers. I met him yesterday. I CAN'T FUCKING THINK!!!! His face keeps popping up in my thoughts not letting me think straight.

The paper. The paper! I took the case off and unfolded the paper. His phone number. He gave me his phone number. I smiled like a fool trying to wash it off. I saved his number and named him Stranger. He is a stranger, a stranger who can fuck and told me I was the first girl he brought here in two years.

The elevator doors opened and I was in a massive parking lot. Shit! My car is still in-front of Lauras mansion. Should I call him? Maybe. No don't! But maybe...

I dialled his number, after waiting awhile he picked up. "Yeah?" He sounded confused and tired. "Hey..." I mumbled with a tired voice as well. "Lilah? Are you okay?" "I'm fine it's just my car..." he cut me off. "Wait I'll come down."

I waited there 5 minutes freezing. I was so cold. Finally I saw the elevator doors open and Noah stepped out with a huge grin on his face. "I knew you couldn't live without me," he chuckled. "Shut up!" I smirked. "Are you cold?" I nod. "Shit, wait" he took off his brown hoodie and slid it over my head. "Better?" "Yeah."

"What's up?" he raised his eyebrows. "Can you give me a ride?" "What do I get in return?" "Fuck Noah could you please give me a ride?" I said angrily crossing my arms. "Not with that attitude," he turned his back and crossed his arms.

"A date?" I offered. "Deal!" He said like he was the happiest man in the world and turned back to me. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. Perfect!

While he was behind the wheel I couldn't stop myself from staring at him like a fool. "You wanna know a naked truth?" I broke the silence. He side eyed me and answered "Talk." I took a deep breath, "I like you too," I looked out of the window too scared to look at him. "Oh really?" "Really really," I laughed sarcastically.

"This took you long enough to tell me." he smiled big, BIG. "Excuse me?" I was shocked. "You think I didn't saw you looking me the way you did, checking me out? Funny." Shit, I was so obvious.

I looked at his hands. Muscular and tanned. He had a small chess king piece tattooed on the side of his middle finger on the right hand. Speaks volumes, I like it.

"So the date?" He muttered while focusing on the road. "What about the date?" I asked. He turned his face away from the road and stared at me intensely. He leaned in and whispered "You promised me a date didn't you?." I gave him a glare and saw him looking at my thighs.

He pulled a blanket from the back seat and placed it on my lap. "Wrap yourself up." he demanded as his voice got deeper. "No I don't want to," I tried to throw the blanket to the back again. He grabbed my hand and kept driving with the other one. "I told you to wrap yourself up." "Why?" I mumbled curiously.

Why? Just why?

"You're distracting me." He gently let go of my hand and pointed with his finger to put the blanket on my thighs. I did. "How am I distracting you?" He groaned, "Your dress, it's too short."

"Are you trying to tell me-" He cut me off. "I'm trying to tell you that if you don't put the fucking blanket over your lap I'll stop right now and fuck you again." His voice sounded deeper. I did as he told me to.

"Good girl," he nodded proudly. "This your house?" "Yeah, turn to the left right there!" I pointed my finger. The car stopped and we arrived. "Get some sleep, I'll text you later about the date." He grinned. I got out and heard him say "No kiss?" I rolled my eyes and got back into the car. "That's right."

He grabbed my face with both of his arms and kissed me strongly with his tongue. I didn't want this to end. He bit my lip and deepened the kiss. I pull away from him "Let's save something for the next time shall we?" He nodded definitely wanting more of me.

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