10- Angel on Earth

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"Oh! Beautiful! You didn't tell me your fiance looks like an angel, Jungkook. Now, I understand why you are hiding him! But you really shouldn't you know. Can you just share a tiny bit? I can make him a model for my upcoming new spring collection launch. I will call it Heaven On Earth," exclaimed the famous, high-end designer chirpingly, with hands swaying all soft and flowy.

Jimin blushed and looked down shyly with the praise. He never get used to hearing compliments from others although he does hear it often.

He modestly doesn't look at himself that way. Jimin still has insecurities with his physical attributes and he is also not much absorbed in his looks. But it pleases him somehow when people compliment him.

"My friend, I appreciate the compliment for... my exquisite taste. Unfortunately, I need to say no. Earlier on I've had a hard time getting his full attention because he was so busy with other people's attention on the phone.." Jungkook turned his gaze to Jimin with a meaningful glare. "And I realized I didn't like it at all!" he replied very seriously.

"Oh! You prefer to keep him for your eyes only, his attention only on you hahaha! I didn't know you have this in you Jungkook. You've never been this possessive with all your other lovers before... hmmmm I..can sense..something.. in the air!" the eccentric designer added in a perky tone, smiling so animatedly.

Jungkook suddenly coughed and morphed into a red plum. "W-what kind of nonsense are you saying? I..I've been like this eversince." He awkwardly denied.

"Huh! Jungkookie, we've been friends a long time. I've been there when you had all those affairs. I've seen the ins and outs of your relationships.. You have never cared for any of them, whatever they do, whomever they're with. This time I can see it in your eyes.. this is why you're getting married, right? Not because of the.. you know what.. don't take offense Jimin. The truth is I really don't know what the fuzz is all about. Why they are making it such a big deal!" The bubbly designer continued chattering, all the while moving here and there, her hands busy.

"Sometimes society is just one big mess of hypocritical ideology." Jungkook stated solemnly.

"Anyways, you are so, so lucky dear!" He turned to Jimin. "I thought no one can steal this man's insensitive, cold, very elusive heart. Just look at what you'll get. Isn't he the handsomest?" 

Jimin spared a glance at Jungkook. 'Yes, very handsome but a brute.' He answered in his mind.

While Jungkook stares anywhere, feeling shy in its rarest occasion but waiting for Jimin's affirmation, his 'yes' reply, which, Jimin never uttered. He felt bitter disappointment.

"But also I am sure Jungkook is very lucky to have you too..yes? You love my Kookie, right? You will take care of him and pamper him... he may look like a big man but inside, he really is just a baby.." the designer continued cheerfully.

"Y-Yes. Of course I will. S-Surely." Jimin said softly smiling and decided to add jestfully , "But I can't even imagine him as a baby. Maybe he just popped out  like that. Already big and tall and muscled and all serious. I wonder if he even cried when he was delivered?" This is his true thoughts actually.

The designer laughed heartily, "You haven't seen his baby pictures? Oh he is the cutest, like a cuddly bunny. He was adorable! You should never miss that. As soon as you get settled, the first thing you'll get your hands on is the baby photo album, ok?"

Jimin giggled softly, nodding in agreement, his hands shyly covering his mouth, his habitual gesture when laughing while his eyes forming into cute little crescents. Jungkook saw and his heart skipped a beat.

MISSTEPS OF LOVE / Jikook Kookmin MinggukWhere stories live. Discover now