33- The Running Man

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The photoshoot ended without a glitch. The designer Jessi left earlier, pretty sure that the outcome of the photoshoot will be to her great satisfaction but not before she again tried to convince Jimin to model her new designs. The launch of her spring collection will be after a week. It will be spring break for the university students and Jimin and Jungkook's wedding date has not yet been confirmed. But Jimin is uncertain. He believes he doesn't have what it takes to be a model even if it's a small, short exposure, so he politely said he will still think about it.

(Because the undecided author will still have to think about it 😉😊)

After finishing their assigned duties after the shoot, Jimin and Yoongi met and went up to Taehyung who was still busy with tidying up the wardrobes and stuffs with some people. Again Jimin tried to persuade Tae to come with them but Tae declined saying he still haven't finished and will later on have to go home straight to do an important errand.

"Can we help you with that?" Yoongi asked Tae, looking concerned.

"No. No need. You and Jimin can go now. I can't come with you to the cafe anyways. Don't worry about me here. This is a piece of cake and I am about to finish."

Both were trying to convince Tae that they will help and will leave together but the friend can't be persuaded. So Jimin and Yoongi walked hesitantly away, leaving Tae behind.

"Well, are you still up to that coffee date?" Suga asked Jimin, taking short, sidelong glances at Tae.

"I am if you are. It's been a tiring day but what an experience. It was really interesting." Jimin replied.

"Yes, it was. I've been doing these for a few times now but still I find it exciting. I think fashion photography is my thing.. still I would like to treat you for coffee and snack so that at least we'll have a bit of relaxation."

"Are you sure it's alright with you, if it'll only be the two of us, I mean without my friend?" Jimin queried. Pondering about Yoongi's behavior a while ago, he suspiciously thinks Yoongi wants Taehyung to be there.

Yoongi let out an embarrassed chuckle. He blushed. "O-Of course..W-What do you mean?.. I think, I am supposed to ask you that, is it alright with you, by the way? I mean I heard of your engagement and your upcoming marriage and all. Sorry I don't engage in tittle-tattles. I don't enjoy gossip too but it was just hard to avoid hearing and reading about it. It's the hot news of the town lately."

"O-Oh! Is that so?" Jimin wasn't much aware of the noisy buzz of his situation with Jungkook. He had almost forgotten the heaviness of his circumstance since he doesn't anymore get the hateful bullying in the university and no more urgent calls from the university's admin. But He should have expected it. Jeon Jungkook is like a celebrity. That's the reason why there was such a big fuzz about their scandal. He realized then it wouldn't be easy to just simply call off the wedding. It would be a big bad blow for the Jeons reputation and if it happens, in order to save face, they would surely divert the blame on him and the Parks and probably will make it all about him and his family- in a negative, damaging way. He sighed anxiously inside.

"Yes. Well, you're a little bit known now and of course the man you'll marry, he is seriously not just anybody. He is certainly a SOMEBODY." Yoongi emphasized the last word then asked seriously. "Are you sure it would be alright for you to be seen with me, alone?"

"Of course. We will just be drinking coffee, nothing wrong with that" Jimin laughed softly, hiding his uncertainty. Maybe Jungkook will think otherwise again, suspect him of being flirty and playing around with men. It made him sad again thinking about how Jungkook seems to always think badly about him but he will not allow that to prevent him from spending time with friends or restrict him from his activities. And he don't think he is that famous or news worthy enough to be stalked by a paparazzi or reporters.

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