11- A Clumsy Sweet Feeling (1)

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Jungkook and Jimin arrived in the  luxurious grand hotel owned by the Jeon's Properties Trust.

Jungkook was driving his own Maserati car as they came directly from the university and from the designer's exclusive studio to the hotel.

He opened the car door for Jimin and offered his hand to help Jimin out of the car in a gentlemanly fashion which Jimin reluctantly and abashedly taken. His hand was shaking mildly with nervousness when Jungkook held his hand.

Jungkook was jolted by a sudden electricity that travelled from his fingertips down his arms and body as soon as Jimin's small, delicate hand touched his bigger hand.

He became all aware of the feel of Jimin's hand in his. It feels soft and perfectly delightful, fitting just right with his. He tried to act nonchalant. But a fluttering sensation is brewing inside his guts he doesn't like to understand.

As soon as he was able to settle on his feet, Jimin immediately removed his hand which made Jungkook instantly gaze at his, feeling a sudden emptiness and loss.

Jimin felt really jittery and his hands are becoming clammy because of nervousness. In some way, it was Jungkook who is making him feel this sensation. His touch creates butterflies in his stomach.

Jungkook handed the car key to the parking valet and afterwards shifted closer to Jimin, settled his hand about Jimin's waist to walk together to the entrance towards the lobby and going to the hotel's
Michelin-starred restaurant.

Jimin's heart is racing, feeling Jungkook's soft touch on his waist. He fidgets with his fingers and walks looking down at the floor.

"Jimin stop fidgeting. It's alright. Just relax. Chin up. It's gonna be okay." Jungkook said softly while he cupped Jimin's chin tenderly to smartly hold his head high and not look timid. Of which Jimin obeyed and was rewarded with Jungkook's rare sweet smile.

Jimin's insides flip flops, heart doubly beating again.

They were followed by curious, sometimes envious, sometimes amused stares from the guests. They made a very interesting and attractive couple in other people's eyes.

Jungkook acted like a perfect gentleman, for the sake of course of the photographer that he knew was secretly following them and their pretend drama. He pulled out a chair for Jimin, all attentive to him.

They are both famished though so when their food was served in a most excellent way with the most amazing presentation, they didn't hesitate to gobble on their food without talking forgetting about their pretend drama.

Jimin, since it's his first time to eat such sensational food, enjoyed himself so much.

"This is so delicious. I never tasted anything like this!" Jimin exclaimed with a delighted smile.

Jungkook looked up to see Jimin's face smudged with a speck of sauce on the corner of his mouth, he amusely chuckled and pleasantly smiled and without thinking, not even getting a napkin, reached out his hand to wipe it softly with his thumb, touching Jimin's lips slightly.

This surprised both of them.

Jimin froze with his mouth slightly open and Jungkook froze with his hand in mid air after doing it, realizing too late what he did impulsively, so he put his hand down hurriedly.

"Y-you have food on your face." Jungkook explained awkwardly.

"O-Oh! S-Sorry." Jimin answered, embarrassed and wiped where Jungkook touched second time with his napkin.

"Y-Yes, t-try to eat more carefully, won't you." Jungkook said sternly. 'He couldn't even eat his food properly, look what I was forced to do.' Jungkook.thought defensively. Completely taken aback by his own action.

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