KYLES BACK!!!- Chapter 1

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{Stans Pov}
I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes I looked to my window I could see the sun starting to rise. Oh shit today is the first day of high school! I stud  up  and quickly got changed into some clothes. I ran to school I made it to my first class just before the bell rang. I'll just save all the boring stuff  and go to wen I left school. Once I got to the front of the school  gates I was already thinking of what I was going to do for the afternoon. Then I saw him I didn't realize him at first but thin I realized who he was "Kyle?!" I shouted. He looked over in curiosity like he recognized the my voice but didn't know for sure. Wen Kyle saw me he looked excited before I new my body was already hugging him. We both started tearing up I wanted to keep  hugging Kyle forever I didn't want to lose him again.

                                 {Kyles Pov}

I couldn't believe it I finally got to see my best friend Stan after a hole year. He looked so different but his hair looked as fluffy and massy. "So how are you doing" I asked I've been okay I guess." Stan replied. I didn't believe him though he seemed kind sad I want to cheer him up I don't like sing him sad. "Hey wanna get  some ice cream?" I asked Stan gave me a smile I love it when he smiles it makes me so happy and safe. We started waking to the ice cream place " So where's the rest of the group?" I asked Stan "Oh Kenny is tutoring Eric." Stan replied . We finally made it  to the ice cream place "One blueBarry and strawberry please." Stan said to the ice cream worker "You remember my favorite ice cream?" I asked I was slightly blushing "umm yes." Stan said a bit flustered. Then the ice cream worker said " One blueberry and strawberry ice cream!!"Stan ran over saying "Yep right here!!" He looked so happy I love wen he gets happy about things. Once we we're done eating the ice cream Stan offered to waking me home and of course I said yes. We were waking to my house it was dark already the only things that made us able to se we're the stars in the sky and the moon. Thin I felt a hand on mine it was Stans o don't know why I did what I did . But I grabbed Stans hand I was slightly blushing and I saw Stan also slightly blushing. We have held hands before when we were kids but this was different I felt safe in his hands and I had butterflies. Once we got to my house I said bye to Stan and then ran inside.

                                {Stans Pov}
Once I dropped off Kyle I started heading back home . Once I got back to my house and  got on my bed I finally processed what just happened. I can't believe I just held Kyles hand But then I got 2 texts. One of the text said that school would be canceled something to do with construction and the other one was a party invitation it was going to be at Bebe's house and I responded with yes of course. Thin I texted Wendy ( who is my resent ex-girlfriend) if she wanted to go with me to the party and she responded with "yes of course" I still really liked Wendy but I also really liked Kyle. But I don't think Kyle likes me and we've been best friend for as long as I can remember and I don't want to ruin that. But Wendy and I have always had this will they won't they thing going on and she's always the one to brake up with me. And at this point I think she only gets back together with me out of petty.

                                   {Kyles Pov}
Once I got to my room I unpacked my bags thin I hopped into the shower. When I was in the shower all I could think about is Stan it's just that we've been super best friends for as long as I can remember and I didn't want to ruin it. But I really do love him his smile the way his hair blows in the wind his laugh. I got out of the shower and got changed into P.Js then I got my stuff ready for tomorrow and put my dirty  cloths in the washer. I  laid on my bed and thin I got 2 texts one was about how we didn't have school tomorrow and the other one was a  invitation to a party at Bebe's house. I didn't know if I should go "I don't think my parents would like me going to a party" I responded hmmm... you know what " Nvm I'm going to the party" I responded again. Thin I texted Kenny if he wanted to go to the party with me and Kenny said "sure man." . I wonder how everyone is going to react to seeing me. Wait it's going to be at Bebe's house oh my good I totally forgot that Bebe's my ex-girlfriend. To give you (the Reader) a bit of back story Bebe broke up with Clyde and sense I had a crush on her at the time I asked her out and she said yes and then we became a couple ( Clyde wasn't mad but he was sad about it)  and then we got into a really bad fight about me and her accusing each other of cheating but then I had to go to the boarding school so I never got to apologize to her. Now back to the story "well I guess I could apologize to her at the party" I said.

                                {Bebe's Pov}
I was at my house and  Wendy was there to we we're having a sleepover . I was texting people for the party I was going to host. Wendy and I were talking  she said "you do know your ex Kyle is back" I responded with " Wait really?!!" " yea wanna invite him to your party?" Wendy said  "you know what pt  that can happen?" I said " Yeah maybe you and Kyle could get back together?" She said it in a joking tone like she was joking. But the thing is I still loved Kyle but we got in a big fight before he left for the boarding school. Wendy probably saw my face and realized I did still like him "Wanna watch mean girls?" Wendy asked "Okay." I replied with a side smile.

Writers notes :I hope you liked the story there will be more parts but it will take me awhile sense this is a side project.
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