🎊The party🎉- chapter 2

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{Stans Pov}
I slept most of the day of the party. But once it was around 9:00 I started getting ready for the party. I texted Wendy "hey Wendy where do you wanna met up to walk to the party?" Wendy responded with " Are you at your moms house?" ( Stans parents are divorced ) "Yeah I'm at my moms." "Okay I'll meet you at your house." Wendy responded. Once I got changed I sat down on my couch my mom was out on a date she's been dating this guy his okay I guess he makes her happy and that's all that matters. I heard a knock on the door that must be Wendy I opened the door it was Wendy. Wendy looked beautiful she was Wearing a medium long purple dress with a slit on the dress near the leg. Wendy said "Hey Stan." With a side smile and she was slightly blushing " you look beautiful" I accidentally blurted out Wendy gently laughed "OMG!!! did I say that out loud" I said in a flustered tone. Wen we were almost to the party she grabbed my hand but I let go I didn't want to get hurt again she looked amazing but I can't forget how many times she broke up with me and got back together with me. Once I got to the party I started to look for Kyle.

{Kyles Pov}
I had just got to Bebe's party I just stayed with Kenny and Butters (who are dating) so I was 3rd willing. Then out of nowhere I felt a girl hugging me it was Bebe my ex-girlfriend "Omg!! Hey I can't believe your back!" Bebe said " Oh hey Bebe." I responded. She was warring a short red dress and her hair was covering one of her eyes and she had a red bandana in her hair. She let go of me she had a side smile as the colorful flashing lites reflected on her. "Hey I want to apologize about the way I acted before." I said and I was truly sorry "it's okay the past is in the past, the important thing is that your back!" Bebe replied "wanna get something to drink?" Bebe asked "yeah why not." I say in response. Bebe lead me to her kitchen and opened her fridge "What do you want?" Bebe asked me "oh a sprite will be fine." I said she then handed me the sprite I opened mine and Bebe opened a can of beer I was in shock but then I remembered it's a high school party what was I expecting. Bebe drank a few more beers and then I took her upstairs because I didn't want her to throw up in front of everyone.

{Bebe's Pov}
Kyle took me upstairs because he didn't want me to throw up in front of everyone . He's so consider it, maybe he has changed I thought this as Kyle was taking me upstairs. Kyle took me to my room I sat down on my bed. "Are you feeling okay?" Kyle said in a concerned Voice to I don't know what happened maybe it was the air or maybe it was because I was drunk. But I blurted out "Can I kiss you?" Kyle looked shocked "I-umm sure" with his approval I leaned in and kissed him he kissed me back and put one of his hands on my Chin and the other one on my waste. Wen we were kissing I thought to myself I messed this him kissing me him putting his hand around my waste it makes me feel safe. Both me and Kyle were blushing so hard.

                                     {Stans Pov}
(This takes place in between when bebe  and Kyle met up and when they kissed) Wen I arrived at the party I just did nothing really. But after a while I saw  Kyle talking to Bebe. I was shocked they looked like they were having fun and enjoying each other's company. At that moment I felt a weird filling I think I was filling jealous! I was mad for no reason to like I just lost something I really loved to someone else. I felt so mad that my hands started to make a fist. But then Kenny started to talk to me and took all my attention. But wen I looked back I didn't see Kyle or Bebe. But after a while I started to get a headache because of the flashing lites so I decided to go upstairs to get away. While I was heading upstairs I heard something. Maybe there's other people upstairs if so I should make sure that there okay I thought to myself . I figured out where the sound was coming from. I opened the door I saw two people kissing I didn't know who they were at first. But then I realized who they were it was Bebe and Kyle! I felt my eyes tearing up like I just lost something I never had o started running away while saying "Umm.. bye sorry!!!". Kyle realized who I was and ran for me and said " Stan wait up!!!" But I was to Busy crying to here Kyle.

———————————————————————————writers notes: sorry if this chapter was to short I just thought this chapter already had a lot of plot twists and I wanted to end this chapter on a cliff hanger.
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