1 - New Beginnings (Mochi)

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I'm laying in bed, 4 hours before my performance, scrolling through social media. I wanna get people's opinions on this, even though Chixa is probably gonna update me on it later. Not to brag, but I got like, a million followers on Instagram. Yeah, kinda famous! Nah, just kidding, not about the Instagram followers part, but the famous part. I'm kinda famous, I'm the background drummer to a band called, "The Icecream Parlor." They create Pastel Goth, Pop, and Indie music, and I love being a part of their band. But anyways, back to social media.

Everyone was super excited about the concert we were holding, where we were gonna perform our album, "A Sea Picnic," live in front of an audience. It kinda makes me nervous, and I bet the others are too. This concert is all of our first concerts, and it's my first time playing live in front of such a big audience! Of course, I was just playing the bassline and the background drumming patterns, so it's not like anyone's gonna notice or anything, but it's still super nerve wracking for me! My family said that they're gonna be there, so I have to make them proud! And also, I need to make all of my fellow band members proud, as well as all the drummers in the audience.

I get out of bed and decide that before my concert, I'm gonna go get some ice cream with my co-workers and friends, Chixa and Roxanne. People tend to think that I don't associate myself with my co-workers because they aren't as popular as me, and therefore I shouldn't talk to them because "I'm too good for them". But, they're kind of the people who got me here today and I'm grateful for that. They've been with me since day one, and they're the ones who got me the position as drummer for the Icecream Parlor! Since back then I was a small drummer, I didn't get much recognition. But then I met Chixa and Roxanne, and we started getting along. Soon, I showed them my drumming skills and they were stoked. I remember that moment so clearly.

"Girl, your drumming skills are fabulous!" Chixa said. I giggled a bit. "Guys, it's not that big of a deal, you guys need to stop flattering me before I explode out of happiness," I said, covering my face with my hands. "No, but like for real, you need to have a spot in the Icecream Parlor! You totally deserve it, plus our drummer just quit, so the spot is open," Roxanne said. "Auditions are next month, you totally need to come." When I heard that offer, my heart exploded. I shook my head violently. "Yes! I'll need to practice extra hard though, will you guys help me and give me feedback?"

And so, the months of training began, and soon the try-out did too.

But that's another story for another time. Anyways, I called up Chixa and Roxanne and they agreed. They said we'd meet at the local ice cream shop in 15 minutes to get some ice cream and quality time together. I chose to wear a pink pleated mini skirt, a white tank-top, some black tennis shoes, and a pink visor (it was really sunny after all). The local ice cream shop is only a few minutes away from my house, but I would personally prefer to drive because it is scorching hot outside. Like, who the heck decides to walk in 80 degrees weather when you can just drive. Anyways, I got into my car (which is a pink lamborghini by the way), rolled down the windows, turned up the radio with my Spotify playlist, and started driving. The song playing was Pain by PinkPantheress, and let me tell you this person has amazing music. I was humming the tune when I stopped at the red light. I got a few weird looks from people walking by, but do I care? No.

When I arrived at the ice cream parlor, I turned off my car and went inside. Although it's a bit early, as in 5 minutes early, I just decide to head inside and get us a table early because I will not wait outside when it is this hot outside. I went inside and the smell of peppermint ice cream filled my nose, and I was met with the sweet coolness of the ice cream shop. Inside, the floor was checkered, which is so retro. They had lights hanging from the ceiling, but they were kind of low, so I had to duck so I wouldn't get hit by them. God, sometimes it's hard being a tall person. There were a bunch of people sitting at the tables, and so it was pretty hard to find a seat. Luckily, I found a booth seat right next to the corner windows, so I guess I was really lucky.

A few minutes later, Chixa and Roxanne arrived and I waved them over to our booth. "Hi guys! Put your stuff down so nobody takes our spot, and let's go line up to get the ice cream," I said. "Alright, but if anyone takes our seat, I'm gonna beat their a- I mean butt," Roxanne said. Chixa glared at her. "Language Roxanne! There are children!" Roxanne rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. And besides I corrected myself!" she snarled in a light-hearted way. We all laughed. People were staring at this point, so we decided to shut our mouths and go in line, after all we didn't want to be a nuisance to the public and we only had a certain amount of time before I had to head to my concert.

When it was our turn to order, Roxanne ordered Mint Chocolate Chip with chocolate drizzle, Chixa ordered Strawberry with a few of those wafer sticks on the side, and I ordered the Rainbow Sherbet. "Your total is 7.35," the cashier said. Me, Chixa, and Roxanne all stared at each other and smirked. We all knew what we were gonna do next. Chixa and Roxanne both pulled out a 20 dollar bill from their purses and handed it to me. I pulled out another 20 and handed it to the cashier. "Here, keep the change, have a good day!" I said, and then we started back to our tables. I wasn't sure we would make it back to our table because we were all dying of laughter. We sat down and burst into conversation.

"Awh, did you see their faces light up and their jaws drop, it was hilarious!" Chixa said. "And you said I was the mean one, though I had to admit it was pretty funny," Roxanne replied. "You guys, they can probably hear us, keep your voices down," I said. We started giggling again.

Soon they came to us with our ice cream, and we ate peacefully while doing quiet and small karaoke. My main career is drumming, but I like singing on the side sometimes.

After a while, I checked the time to see it was 2 ½ hours before the performance. "We better head to the concert place so we can get ready before the concert," I said. "This was fun, we should do this more often!" Chixa said. "Yeah, but we gotta go now. Hopefully they won't be too mad," said Roxanne. We all got up, and strutted out the door. I hopped in my car, started blasting my Spotify playlist again, and started for the concert place.

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