3 - Getting it out (Reese)

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Finally, It's been three weeks since I finished my song, and now it's out to the public. I just finished reading the email from my publisher and it's already blowing up! I ended up naming it HeartWrecker, since it's in the chorus and I like it.

I just finished streaming, and my viewers were hyped to know my new album is out. They've heard snippets of all the songs but they went bonkers when I streamed today. I played HeartWrecker on acoustic and played a little RAFT. Two people joined my stream, only really to congratulate me, which was nice. It made me feel special. First Tommy (maybe you know him) joined and called me pog, listened to HeartWrecker, then left. Then Niki (if you don't know her, I'm concerned), she was really sweet, and watched me play RAFT for a little while until she had to go stream with Minx. After that I spent another half hour on RAFT. Other people sent me DMs, but they didn't call me.

I lay down on my bed. My cat, Nina, climbs on my chest and goes into a loaf form, purring on top of me. I pet her soft fur. It's noon and I've finished all my classes. I don't have any more to work on right now, and I'm glad that I don't. I sit up, forcing Alice to jump off and onto the floor, I look around, the sun is shining brightly through the window. I get up and walk over to my window, the sun is high in the sky and clouds are sprinkled around, one plane crossed the sky. Soon I'll be in one of those.

Ding! I jump, startled by the sudden noise. I relax myself then

pull out my phone. An email? I turn off my phone and sit down at my

desk, pulling up my emails. One new notification: From Euphoria.

No way. No way! NO WAY! I jump in my seat, holding my breath with anticipation. I open the email, biting my tongue.

Dear Reese Miller,

We are looking for a new artist to join our lineup of concerts

that will happen in two weeks, if you accept this invitation we can have you on stage in no time! Euphoria is glad to welcome you to our line up when you are available, the two days that are open are June 2nd and June 4th. If you are interested please let us know.

Sincerely, Euphoria

"Concert... Reese Miller's FIRST concert," I say to myself.

How do I respond? What day works best for me? My head fills with thoughts, I smile to myself. This is one of the best things that has ever happened to me!

I snatch my phone out of my back pocket and text Fred.

Ree: FRED stop what U R doing !

Fred<3: Huh, what happened??

Ree: Guess who just got an email from Euphoria ! !

Fred<3: NO WAY, IS IT GUD?!

Ree: Better than good ;)

Fred<3: YOOOOO

Ree: Ikr! You better be there, TELL THE OTHERS

Fred<3: Can do my man

Ree: Thxx

It feels good to tell someone how cool you are and then have them praise you for it. Oh man, I'm gonna have my first concert, what do I do?! I need a new performing outfit! What else?!

I start passing around my room, my mind swarming with ideas. Moon and Sun. I stop. They will know how to break this down. My song HeartWrecker is the one they for sure will want me to sing, seeing as it is so new. And that song was a part of my album. It wasn't easy, so going off that I'll need a new outfit that would fit the theme. If you've ever experienced seeing a color when you listen to a specific song, then you know what I see. My song HeartWrecker oddly reminded me of pink and purple, and my whole album as a whole gave me glitter punk vibes. And before you go off at me, telling me that's weird because my songs are sad, I know they are, but I like it that way because if you have a indie punk artist like me then you'll understand that when you add silly things into a sad story and then make it into a punk song, it's just better.

I look at my phone, holy crap. I have about a million pinterest messages from Sun and Moon. They didn't even wait five minutes before scouring the internet for outfit ideas. I smile, they are crazy.

I've scrolled through almost every message, and somehow it's already 1 o'clock. I spent an hour on this? I ask myself. I scroll again, and stop. A bathing suit looking one piece with a sparkly mini skirt made of plastic and the same material for two sleeves that pop out (of which the plastic seems to be dyed purple and pink). I can feel my heart say, Thiissss onneee Reesseee Miilleeerrrrr! So I listen, because you can't just deny your heart.

I tell Sun and Moon which one I want, and they agree it would be the coolest. It makes me happy that they agree, they don't do that too often. They are probably just being nice though. Either way, I appreciate it. They order the outfit, pick out some matching shoes, then send me the date it should be here by: May 21st. So I send Euphoria an email back that reads:

Dear Euphoria,

Thank you so much for the invitation, I will be there on the 2nd, please let me know what time I should be there by. I will be playing my album "It wasn't easy." If you don't mind, could you please send me a copy of all the requirements and expectations for each performance? Thank you again for the opportunity.

Sincerely, Reese Miller

I sigh deeply, being on stage again will be so cool. The last time I was on stage was at a bar in Hawaii, where I used to live with my parents before I moved here to Massachusetts for school. Even though I only have a few weeks left of school, it makes me happy that I went through the whole thing without quitting. At least my viewers were pretty proud when I told them today. If you can't tell, I enjoy the positive comments that I get from my viewers.

After a shower I go outside and take a deep breath of the crisp afternoon air. It's beautiful out today so I'm going skateboarding. I'm wearing my athletic blue shorts, my Reese Miller shirt that I sell on my website (props to my sister Jay, she helped me a lot because she is a tech geek). My half shaved, chestnut hair blows in the slight breeze. I have multiple bandaids all over my body from skating. Obviously I don't wear any protection, protection is for losers. I have black Adidas shoes and white socks with two pink stripes at the top. So I'd say I look pretty kick butt.

I turn on my airpods that I got from my dad about two months ago for my birthday. The Icecream Parlor blasts into my ears. I heard they are playing on the same night as I am, and as much as I wish I could go, I can't. I need to prepare now for my own concert. It's kinda funny how we have our performances on the same day. I'm not one to believe in signs or the works of a better being above(because I'm atheist) but this can't just be lucky chance. And though I may not be as popular as them, while they get to play in the plaza. I am going to play at the not so amazing Euphoria. They kinda have a ranking, and I'm a little bit under them. But I know I'll be cool like them too.

I think over the email about a thousand times, and more. Nothing in the world has ever happened to me, this has got to be the start of something great.

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